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Monday Night Shyamalan

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Everything posted by Monday Night Shyamalan

  1. Also, Brek Shea and Zusi should definitely be in the conversation.
  2. Thanks for creating this, avid follower but first time poster. I like the lineup and agree with you for the most part, but a couple tweaks IMO. *still running on the high from the Belgium game. Yedlin should be receiving some calls from Euro clubs (what does everyone think?) Tim Howard (wouldn't count him out yet). For the most part I agree with the defense and midfield pieces, though I could see certain positions changing. I think Aron will be up there, but Jozy should surpass Boyd. Klinnsmann brought a lot of makeup and surprised most with his WC roster. I expect him to do the same in 2018, and sneak in a few more recruits. Nonetheless I was pleased with the team, and I at least hope you all were happy with Howard's performance.
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