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The Beard

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Posts posted by The Beard

  1. Hey Bill, it's the 2nd best thing he's done, the 1st was the cross for the goal. I am still so f*****g deliriously happy, what that meant to us last night can't be described. The excuses from them lot in the pub after where so funny to be unbelievable...... they where so much on top until the sending off, Gerrards injury, our tactics, we are a dirty team and it goes on and on, so much so that it nearly turned my pint of Bitter er.... well more Bitter haha!

  2. We need to shoot out of the blocks and in their faces, we know they don't like that tactic. Have to keep the pressure on them and then to start to play our own stuff. If we show the determination, fight and spirit we have done recently then we can get something. Having said that we know how Rafa can only guide his team to win cup games via pens, so lets hope for the job done in 90. I quite fancy a Neville or Hibbert 30 yarder to clinch it.

  3. When he burst on the scene, the lad was like a raging bull, even remember a game against Chelsea, where we got beat at home 3-2 but throughout he hasled and muscled Terry and the defence to the brink of submission. so mucg so that when Drogba scored late on, he was brought back to man mark Victor for the last couple of minutes. However since then Victor doesn't seem to show the same desire and work rate. He scores nowhere enough goals for me and in my opinion appears to be one of them players who think they have made the real big time. I wouldn't lose any sleep if he left but disappointing to hear these stories of bust ups, if true.

  4. For those who like a little rock. A five piece local band have an album out, which I think would be a real hit if it went to a commercial record label. Its called Birth of a Hero by The Assassination Of..., and they are Evertonians to boot. Being a friend of the guitarists mum and dad I got a freebie but you can check a couple of songs on their myspace site, worth a listen

  5. I think I will have to agree with most posters up to now and vote for Howard. The whole defence played well, albeit Man Utd had a few chances but tell me a team who they don't get chances against. We rarely threatened but I think we knew that was going to be the case. Interesting talking to a few Man Utd fans after the game, they actually said it was a doubtful penalty although us Blues thought it was and they agreed that Lescott's hauling down by Ferdinand should have been given. On fine lines are matches decided.

  6. A true Shankly story,

    In the 70's my dads mate used to run the West Derby Junior Football League, on what is now the Shankly playing fields. After the matches, everyone went home to watch sunday soccer and have their roast dinners. About 4pm all the lads, aged from 11-20odd used to gather on the field again for a kick around. This particular Sunday I was invited my dads mate, as it was his turn, to 'go and give Bill a knock to sort the game out'. Now at 14 years of age and a staunch Evertonian, I was already in awe as we had to walk past Bellefield into the cul-de-sac next to it. On arriving we duly knocked on the door to be greeted by, what can best be describes as a little old granny. " Is Bill in", asked my mate " Come in lads, he's just getting changed". Two minutes later I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, the door swings open and standing there in an old Liverpool tracksuit was Bill Shankly, even I knew who he was and my jaw dropped. " Ready for the game boys?", came that Scottish drawl. I was just staring at him as we made our way back to the field. Shankly then organised the lads into something like a 15 a-side match, the groundsmen even left the posts and nets up for us. as the game progressed he realised the teams where unevenly matched and chopped and changed when he thought appropriate and not once did anyone moan. Them lads where probably managed more times by Shankly than ever his players where, great times.

  7. We should be going with great confidence, however, if injury rumours persist, I think this will be a back to the walls job with a 0-0 the most likeliest of results for us. However I shall be going there with the thought of picking up 3 points and hoping for the best.

  8. I am an avid auto/biography reader and in past couple of years have read a few of the ex- Everton based books. To be honest I thought Sharpy, My Story, was adequate, for me it didn't quite hit the spot as a great read albeit he was a great hero of mine. Similarly, Trevor Steven and Gary Stevens combined effort and Andy Grays' just somehow don't capture the essence. Maybe because it was an age where I was an ever present home and away and knew the ins and outs of the club, so you become a bit blase about things.

    For Everton auto/biographies try any of the Holy Trinity for starters and for something different try 'Der Ball Ist Rund', (translated as 'The Ball Is Round', you'd never guess haha) Everton in Europe, 1962-2005. Cracking read as it gives insight into the history of the clubs we met in Europe during those years as well as comments on the actual games.

  9. There is one player who never seems to get a mention, (and i honestly think that people are looking at the game with bluetinted specs on and go with the trendy vote for whoever is flavour of the month), and that player is Phil Neville. Since the Wigan debacle he has been consistent, he drives the team on and gets stuck in, showing admirable leadership and a great example of the team work ethic, which has got us on this current run. Forget that he isn't the most accomplished player because all succesful sides need this type of player, he is showing great character, spirit and endeavour, therefore he get's my vote. I await the negative comments with roars of disproval.

  10. I totally agree with those who wouldn't give him any credit at all. If one man has ignited the hatred between Everton and Liverpool, especially over the last 4-5 years it's him. Granted it has been there for a while now but he just has not got a clue about quelling situations, instead just ignites them. His 'small club' rant from 2 years ago, shows that the man has no dignity and respect for anyone else and for those arguing what a great boss he is, then a great boss would realise the rivalry between teams from that city and how it can be managed appropriately, especially regarding events that have happened within the city and football related matters. He does the same in Champions League games as we did to them on Sunday but yet he opens up further chasms of hatred towards himself and his team by spouting his vitriolic crap about other teams tactics, probably to deflect from their own current shortcomings and problems. Christ! second in the league, champions league, money to spend and they still moan. He should actually take a leaf out of his captains book when being interviewed and asked about us, he didn't question our tactics, just accepted that they knew they would be in for a tough game from the start. He obviously knows not to fan the flames purposefully. Rafa Benitez a man of little or no dignity.

  11. Hopefully Arteta and Fellaini back to bolster the squad. Arsenal are blowing hot and cold at the moment, lets hope they haven't warmed up for this one. If we keep our momentum going and don't let tiredness set in, I can see a positive result here, 2-0.

  12. Like the league game i'm going for Lescott. apart from the goal he won everything in the air and was well positioned for some good blocks and threw himself in a few aerial battles in the box late on. I was disappointed with today's performance, wasn't a patch on Monday's. However another battling display, especially with a team without it's two main midfielders and a lack of strikers to be called upon, great team spirit, keep it up.

  13. "Everton make Liverpool pay for their profligacy". That means wastefulness, i think, another media man to undermine a great team performance. Don't recall them being that wasteful, 1 clear chance apart from the goal.

    "Liverpool take the lead at last". That implies they where battering us and missing chance after chance, don't recall that either.

    "Liverpool will probably make changes for Sunday, Everton don't have anyone else". Maybe short on numbers but to undermine 7 lads, albeit largely inexperienced, on the bench is typical.

    "Everton have had 1 penalty at Anfield in 71 years". At last, he gets something right. :D

  14. Great team effort, defensively solid and a threat going forward, however if a choice has to be made, for me it's a close call between all the defence, not because we where under the cosh but because they played well as a unit. Lescott just edges my vote, thought he was outstanding in tackles, blocks and headers, pity we can't give it to the team as a whole.

  15. What you really mean is that you are shocked that your club does not have the emotive, passionate following as shown by true supporters. Maybe having a huge amount of out of towners at the game doesn't bring with it the passion that locals would and maybe that is really what shocks you. By the way, if you're old enough, what pub did you watch the game in?

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