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Posts posted by Claire

  1. How can anyone say that cos someone feels passion for something they have a right and its good that they act in a violent manner. Thats like saying terrorisms acceptable because they are doing it cos they are passionate about a cause. Hooligans give our game a bad name and have caused pain to many numbers of innocent people. A hooligan from the club I love after the Man United cup game the other year knocked my 85 year old grandad over cos he couldnt wait to get to a fight across the road. This in the process broke my grandads hip and left him very badly bruised. That hooligan is no more passionate than me or my grandad who both love Everton but dont feel the need to show that through mindless violence

  2. i agree with you claire. i saw the bad lads army a while ago when he bastards who were there wernt fake, they were proper twats who literally got away with nothing. seding em to national service will do em good as they learn discipline and actually get pointless punishments for little things.


    however some army officers/trainers prob wont want to do things like that.

    my idea is simple combine the two. national service and jail.

    when the arseholes go to jail they have all thier rights taken off them. they have a boot camp routine into thier daily lives (imagine all of that for all of the sentance ie 5 years) they wont have sky or plush beds. they will have basic food and wont get any decency or privacy. and punished for every wrong doing.


    the point im making is that we should make prison look like a place of punishment. not a free holiday. itl reduce the amount of repeat offences in a year.



    Completely agree with you people should be scared of going to prison not see it as time off work

  3. Agree with you Mac I'd make them choose jail or service I wouldnt want every kid doing service.


    And as for human rights thats all gone too far Id prob want to take us out of the convention on human rights. Were a civilised democracy with our own form of constitution and the country ran perfectly well before all this human rights farce

  4. first off claire i dont think sex is a priority in teenage life. even if i had a gf which i dont and never had i wouldnt try and have sex asap.


    and secondly how come you nearly died. was he that much of a stud



    I really respect that bluenose thats exactly how I think. Lads think its a priority and something thats expected of a teenage girl. If you carry on with this attitude you will get a girl who really respects and trusts you and thats the best thing to have. Thats why I waited till I was older I just didnt see it as a priority when lookin for a boyfriend


    And I nearly died not cos he was a stud he was a minger actually but we were in his car by some cliffs where I live. And anyway he didnt put the handbrake on tight enough and the car started rolling towards the edge. But we stopped it!!!

  5. :lol:


    I'v "potted the brown" with all of my longterm girls, think its a threshold that should be crossed with your woman at some point although I did have one who thought it gave her the right to slot me a finger  :o


    I put her straight on that one instantly!!



    Too much information fishy!!!!!!!


    And as for unusual places a cave on the beach by my house, my ex's office and a certain pub very close to Goodison after the derby we won!

  6. Just in case anyone is in the slightest bit arsed this goldfish is now the proud owner of a CBT certificate for a geared bike and i will be taking lessons for my full licence over the next few weeks  :D



    Awwwwwwwww well done


    Just be careful you!!!!!

  7. Its expected that Faddy will actually start against Watford, I cant see it being Faddy and AJ upfront myself so it looks like AJ may be on the bench



    First home game of the season and you really think Moyes will leave our biggest ever signing out???? Maybe hes gonna try AJ and Faddy cos Beattie didnt look at his best last weekend

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