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Posts posted by Claire

  1. Mine is a mastercard Claire but there are any number of banks/institutions who operate them. Probably another issuer I'd have though, unlikely MBNA will be giving out new ones.


    Probably I got a letter bowt it on saturday and sent it off the other day so its prob not MBNA or at least I hope not!!

  2. I'v got the worst bout of man flu I'v had for years at the mo, been off work for 2 days now and done nothing but lie around trying to sleep which is impossible cos my skin is tingling all over and theres a constant stream of snot outa my left nostril. So when I'm not sneezing violently or swallowing what feels like broken glass I'm just glad of a bit of peace & quiet :(


    It's times like this I wish I had a girl to come feed me soup & make me feel betta!!


    Excuse me I offered to look after you but no man knows best as usual


    And now I have the stupid flu!

  3. Claire said.....


    "" And you want to try talking to someone and they cant take their eyes off your chest now thats annoying!!!! ""




    Yeah, i know what you mean, Girls are always looking at my chest when i talk to them. :lol:


    Thank goodness someone who shares my pain!!

  4. Im getting my tattoo done on monday its a place on the wirral though, a lot more expensive than I thought 90 quid for the Everton crest on my hip/top of the thigh. But Id rather pay a bit more and have a good job done of it. Im scared stiff about the pain though my best mate is having the liverpool crest done at the same time but on his arm I think

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