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Posts posted by Claire

  1. God by the time I have kids and they get to be teenagers this will still be going!!!!!!!!


    Seriously things will get better like I said before it wasnt till I moved out that i realised that as well as being nagging parents my mum and dad were my personal chef, housekeeper, bank manager, chauffeur, relationship advisor, cleaner and general rock in my life. I had a really really tough time between the ages of 15 and 18 which Ive only really just got over and I realise now that it was my parents who got me out of that mess

  2. Smile Im sure they think the world of you I know I think the world of my parents but I drive them demented I just like to wind them up. Its only really since Ive moved out that I appreciate me mum and dad and what they do and have given up for me, so things will get better just dont let them see its bothering you cos then they just take it further (I know that cos I do that to my dad!)

  3. Im never eating or drinking again and im in the foulest mood ever imagine PMT times like a billion!!!!!!!!! Split up with the boyf whoo!!!!!!! Chocolate heaven for me after ive made my mates their full english breakfast mmmmmmm thats why i love sundays full english brekkie and a roast you cant beat it!

  4. First of all those pics of men you posted are disgusting I like a man with a bit of meat on him not covered in muscles!


    As for the people i would like to meet in heaven


    1. Winston Churchill - my idol need i say any more

    2. Elvis - cos I think he'd know how to have a good time

    3. My best mate danny cos he was taken away from me before we had our chance for fun

  5. Ball breaker!  :lol:


    You women so hard to please, if hes working that means you can spend it before you go back to uni!!


    For the reccord too i crack the phone line joke all the time and i'v neva phoned one so cut him some slack, actualy he supports Tranmere so maybe its time you traded him in for an evertonian model!  B)


    No one messes with me and no more evertonians lol Ive had enough of them I suppose I should be nice to him




    Album - Westlifes Greatest Hits


    Film - Notting Hill


    Book - 1984 by George Orwell


    Luxury - Gary Naysmith :lol:

  6. Thats the thing if I got it in two stages Id never go back lol so does it look ok with no colour??


    My boyfs are on the top of his arm but being a builder he doesnt have to worry about covering up but I need it done somewhere private cos u dont see many Prime Ministers wandering round covered in Everton tattoos!

  7. We have had very little joy out of the lad, he makes silly mistakes, loses concentration very easily. If we can get more for him than we paid let's get rid.


    I get the feeling we are holding on to him in the hope his potential will shine through at some point, I say let's not hold our breath flog him and buy British.






    I agree not with the racial bit which wasnt the point of the post but about Yobos concentration yes on his day hes a good defender but when he cant be bothered then he adds nothing to the team

  8. Whoo Im back home from uni :D But the bad news is I have a cold and have fallen out with the boyf cos he said my voice sounds like one of those sex phone lines and I asked him how he knew what they sounded like. Anyway glad to be back hope youve all been having fun walking this weekend <_<

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