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Posts posted by Claire

  1. That was two years ago last week actually its mad I still think about him most days but its taught me never to moan and live each day to the full and always :D


    I always thought Agadoo was sung by Black Sabbath before my Dad corrected me at Christmas :lol:

  2. Its my last weekend at uni before i come home and no work to do so im happy!!!!! The boyfriends coming to stay this weekend havent seen him for 4 weeks so should be fun except he'll get in a nark cos i'll make him get out of bed early on saturday to go watch the game!

  3. Unsy was YES a Great Blue...Still is...However, not a Great Player.


    Thats exactly what I meant not players who were great in terms of skill but passion for the club which some would argue can make up for a lack of skill. I live on Bramall Lane which if you dont know is the same road that sheff uniteds grounds on where Unsy now plays, ive been to see him play a few times hes still half decent! But once when i was out in my Everton shirt I heard a scouse guy shout excuse me and it was Unsy he'd seen my Everton shirt and we had a great chat hes brill!!!!!


    And as for mixed famillies both sides of my family are all blue pity the boyfriends a tranmere fan but at least thats not as bad as a kopite

  4. I agree that it depends on age etc who you view as a legend my dad certainly doesnt see dunc as a legend his favourite line is 'cant we shoot him and put him out of his misery!'


    I think in my short lifetime ive seen 4 Everton greats play and you may agree/disagree about playing ability but their commitment to Everton was 110% and they are Southall, Watson, Unsworth and Ferguson.

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