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Posts posted by jamiemaher85

  1. i love oasis but they were poor last night, can't say i'm surprised though, they have alwasy said that they didn't become musicians to attend these award ceramonies which is fair enough.


    if you were ot see the in their own gig though you;d see the acctual band, have seen them a few times now and have always been quality.... and Liam can sing when he can be bothered, if you havn't seen them live before last night was nothing to go on.


    Oasis are much more than a pub band

  2. my dream bands would be as follows.


    a good indie/ rock band


    Lead Singer/ :- Paul Rogers


    Lead Guitar/ Backing Vocals- Noel Gallagher


    Bass:-Bruce Foxton


    Drums:- Keith Moon (can't believe no-one else has chosen him)





    or chilled out (with a three way voal thing going on)


    Lead Vocals/ Piano- Joni Mitchell


    Lead Vocals- John Martyn


    Lead Guitar/ Backing Vocals- Neil Young


    Bass-Steve Winwood


    Flute- Jethro Tull


    Drums- John Densmore

  3. The whole thing is just a continuation of the downward spiral of football. It is largely no longer wholey about talent, but wealth.


    I also think its funny that Liverpool fans have chanted "USA, USA, USA!" at Man Utd about the Glazer situation and now they find themselves in exactley the same situation and don;t really care.


    At the end of the day if Liverpool go on to win the league within the next three years it will be the money that has won it for them. Their pre-takeover squad and managment would not win the league, they would not even get close. Im not trying to be disrespectful of Liverpool but its the truth.


    In certain papers it has been said that this has been the most exciting premiership ever. What a joke! just becasue for one week it looked like there was an outisde chance of it being a 4 horse race, however that was never going to be the case and Man Utd have been top all season (bar one week when chelsea ent top) that is not exciting, its just surprising that chelsea arn;t top.


    I don;t like the whole takeover, "teams being richmans playthings" situation. The gaps between teams are getting larger and larger, and without a huge cash injection the gap in unbridgable. The Rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer.

  4. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=4...p;channel=&


    Arteta opens door to Atletico


    By Mark Kendall - Created on 8 Feb 2007


    I would like to return to Spain," he told Cadena SER. "It is something that will always be there,

    but I have to find the right moment and the ideal club.


    "If somebody wants me, they will have to talk to Everton"


    " I have friends there like Fernando Torres with whom I have played for Spain's youth teams

    and we have always got on well," he continued.


    "It's a great club that seems to have a project for the future, that is performing better every year

    and it's normal that they are already thinking about new players."

    Say goodbye My darling, say Goodbuy, Say goodbuy My darling say Goodbye.




  5. Exactly the same thing me dad said to me last night. Don't think Dein would let him though considering Dein is on the FA board AND Arsenal chairman. Not sure what constitutes a conflict of interests but that can't be far off...


    i thought dein is no longer on the FA board,


    agree a manager like Wenger would be top class.


    we couldn;t do that though, might show some ambition!

  6. i like VDM hes like beattie, we all slag him off yet most of us have a soft spot for him. i just hope hes willing to fight for his place and plays well.

    Id have no problem with giving more starts. I have only seen him play live once, and that was West Ham, and he looked quite good. he was dtermined.

  7. all a bit pants, 20 mins of decent play just is not good enough.


    Im not usually the biggest fan of SWP but thought he played well, at least he tried. no idea why we took him off though. Richards looked good when he came on, actually played with Heart which was nice.


    Crounch should not be anywhere near the team. he's useless, fair enough the ref had it in for him in some occasions but he still contributed nothing but a bellow par "shot" in the game. We need a big striker who has strenght and can hold the ball up. We need someone in the Shearer mould but can't really see it happening. Would be nice to see soemone like Ashton make it in an england shirt. Think him and rooney could mae a good partnership.




    But if we play Gerrard Lampard one more time......

  8. Its all Carricks fault, everything. Even when he hasn't played it his fault


    here is a list of reasons why carrick is rubbish


    Micheal Carrick is shit... FACT


    Most problems in the world can be attributed to this crap person.


    Here is a list of things that he has done wrong:-


    1- He is not worth £18m, he is not worth £18, he is not worth 18p....


    2- He should not play for england becasue he cannot pass a ball or tackel


    3-He has single handedly caused third world debt


    4- He throws puppies from trains (though this is funny when done between two moving trains so said puppy bounces between them with a comical squeeling noise)


    5-He killed jesus


    6-He killed JFK


    7-He does smelly egg farts that burn away the o-zone layer


    8-He is a Nazi


    9- He invented the Nuke and tests it on children


    10-He loves french people


    11-He started the AIDS virus and laughs about it all the time


    12- He always wears a thong under his shorts and then rubs its man sweat on replica shirts in the Man Utd club shop so l;ittle children go home with his man sweat on them....gross


    13-He loves juggleing (in case you dont already know juggeling in inherintly evil)


    14-He never misses Keeping Up Appearences on a sunday afternoon and laughs at the capers the Buckets get into...Idiot


    15-His favourite film is Bambi


    16-His favourite band is Level 42


    17-He likes to eat dogs


    18-He has a pet cat but never feeds it


    19-He kicks old people in the teeth


    20-He plays for Man Utd

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