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Posts posted by bluehuddo

  1. Pity we're not gonna see the fat man swinging , even as an English cricket fan the pie man was always a pleasure to watch ( even though he raped us on nearly every occasion )  .  :)



    I met the fat man a few years ago. Was at Bellrive Oval to watch Australia A vs India and Warnie was commentating for the tv due to having his enforced holiday.

    Was down geeting a feed at take away counter and Warnie comes up and orders Chips, dim sims & chicken wings!!


    No wonder he needed them tablets :lol:

  2. Andorras best player plays for a second division spanish club and even he didnt bother turning up!


    the minnows should have a play off and the winner goes into the big comp. save wasting everyones time.


    5-0. this game was no different than a training session.


    over 56,000 mugs paid to watch this training session. the population of andorra isnt much more -- 71,201 (July 2006 est.) .


    you could fit the lot into old trafford.


    international matches are supposed to be about something.


    this was a match about nothing.  a complete waste of everyones time.



    Thats the great thing about football and why it is so popular worldwide, because so called crap teams do get the chance to play the big boys. Yes it may ahve been like a training session for England but it would have been the biggest thrill for the andorran players to play a big team in front of such a big crowd.


    Sorry Java but the attitude you have is so prevelant in football today where the so called big teams just want to play each and screw all the smaller ones


    I know it is almost impossible but every now and then the rank outsiders do manage to win and that is what makes football such a special game.

  3. I dont think 2 ref's controling the game is a good idea but a passive referee who only gets involved with the sticky situations and off the ball incidents could be a realy good idea.


    He could stand on the by line on corners & free kicks and stuff like that too!!


    Can see what you're gettign at!!


    No matter what something has to be done, while it is a big issue coming off the standard of the WC and the start to this season

  4. Another thing to look at is have 2 referees on the field, each one looking after a half of the pitch. In Aussie Rules they used to have 1 on the field but as they play on a huge pitch they decided to go with 2 in the early 80's then went to 3 in the late 90's. There are still things missed and wrong decisions given, though it is no were near as many as would be.

  5. If you want to get rid of cheating then it is up to the ruling bodies to set out what is cheating and have the balls to police it and hand out serious penalties. With the Golf Vijay Singh was banned for 2 years when he was on the Asian Tour for cheating. Think it was for not adding a shot. If you had penalties like that and they were enforced then maybe players would think twice about cheating

  6. Haven't seen a game there since end of the 82/83 season. Did a flying visit to the Uk in the early 90's only 2 days in Liverpool and had to blag my way so they would let me in. Great Sob story about being over from Oz for a few days and missing the place, they let me in straight away :D Am considerign doing a year back in the UK will try and make it for the 08/09 season, hopefully we will be seriously challenging then.

  7. Prior to 1924 a goal could only be scored from a corner kick if another player made contact with the ball. In that year, the Football Association (FA) changed the laws of football so that a goal could be scored directly from a corner kick (without another player touching the ball). However, the wording of the new law was vague.


    A Liverpool Echo sports journalist, Ernest Edwards, informed the Everton side of the lack of precision in the new rules. During a game against Tottenham Hotspur, Everton gained a corner kick that Chedgzoy took. Instead of crossing the ball in, he dribbled the ball into the penalty area and scored while the other players and referee looked on in shock - and then he successfully persuaded the referee that the rules permitted this way of scoring a goal.


    After deliberation by the FA, it was decided that the goal was legal, and the law was amended making it clear that the player taking the corner could only strike the ball once before another player must make contact. This ensures that corner kicks cannot become corner dribbles, but also permits a goal to be scored direct from a corner.


    (Copied from Wikipedia)



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