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Posts posted by Everton_Worshiper

  1. More debt and nothing to show for it, fantastic work from the board.


    Nothing to show to the public but an old mortgage was paid off (taken when interest rates were higher), so although we have a much larger balance I doubt the "cost" of the loan is any more than what we previously had. To me, this is typical media style of making a story when there is no story.

  2. I was sat with some guys "in the know" at the game yesterday, not that far from Capello :D ...the rumours are that Yakubu just can't recover fully from his injury. He was asked to do some running with Beckford (who is very fast) and Yakubu just gave up about halfway through. Consensus was he needs to be sold, he is causing ripples in the squad.


    We then got on to Moyes and we all agreed that Moyes is a fantastic manager under pressure but with a fully fit squad he starts to fumble. I hope Moyes proves everyone wrong but I think we are going to struggle to find the right team in time to mount a good go for a European spot. For example, why on earth is Bily playing who is (IMO) one of our worst players at the moment.

  3. For martial arts, Jet Li every time. Based for a long time.

    Then Nicolas Cage ("Why couldn't you put the bunny back in the box"), Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks and Ed norton are a couple of favourites. Depending on the film, Kevin Spacey.


    Women...the bigger the breasts, the curvier the arse, the more respect I have for their acting abilities. :lol:

  4. I would be gutted if we let him go for £5M never mind anything less.


    He is a very underated player and with the new squad rules in effect this season I would have thought it

    would be prudent to keep hold of any decent home grown players weve got


    Personally I would rather sell the likes of Bily before we start to show Osman the door


    Spot on, agree 100%.

  5. Very good game, very very impressed yet again with Beckford. He is out to prove everyone he can cut it in the Premiership.


    Now my hands up moment, I sat in the Park End cheering when Felli was warming up and then when he took out one of their players in the middle of the park. :lol: Oh well, I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder.


    How good was Coleman too, he gets better every game. Gueye also, looks like Saha reincarnated.


    Have to say though that Baxter seems to have lost his appeal with all the other youngsters we have and look way off pace.

  6. Well what a good game that was, very pleasing to see!

    I think there were positives from everyone on the pitch except for Bily, I want to give him a kick up the ass. The amount of times he gave passes away or didn't run to get on the end of a pass was embarrassing.

    On a positive note, Jags was simply awesome and doesn't look to have had his head turned. Rodwell all preseason has looked a different player and continued it today. Beckford is going to get us goals, he is so hungry to prove himself and Gueye I think is going to be a buy of the season, very impressed with him.

  7. This is the newspapers lineup and substitutions:


    Everton XI: Davies, Thompson, Garbutt (Bidwell 46), Wallace (Savic 80), Nsiala, Mustafi, Schepers (Akpan 60), Barkley (Craig 69), Vaughan (Hope 73), Silva (Kinsella 54), Baxter



    This is from OS (http://www.evertonfc.com/match/report/0910/clyde-fc-2-2-everton-res)


    Everton Reserves: Davies, Thompson, Garbutt (Bidwell 46), Wallace, Nsiala, Mustafi, Akpan, Barkley (Craig 69), Vaughan (Hope 73), Silva (Kinsella 54), Baxter.


    Go figure.

  8. I think one of the main reasons we can't let Jags go is the Lescott saga - we'd be very hard pressed to get in another top-class replacement a la Heitinga, and centre back is a bit like goalkeeper in that it takes time to get someone settled in the position who builds up an understanding with those around him. Lescott leaving badly unsettled our team because we basically had to field a totally knew CB pairing with Jags being out, and before John H settled in there. Now we've got Jags and Johnny H which I reckon is a pretty damn good looking CB pairing that had some time playing together before the end of last season, be a big blow to have to changing that round again.


    Anyway, I thought Wenger had already signed one CB from Europe and was sniffing round a couple more, anyone know any news on that?


    Ah, he let three centre backs go.... bugger :unsure:


    Whilst I agree it also means that the whole Lescott Saga demands that this is sorted now and not tomorrow either way - slap another £5k per week on to Jags' contract. We will not find another CB as good as Jags for £4m - simples - so we need to spend part of the "£4m" (aka a replacement CB) on his wages, swiftly followed by the middle finger to Wenger. :lol:

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