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Posts posted by fcssl

  1. Please help, I need to find out what this song is, however, I do not know who it is by, or what it is called (a good start then!


    All I know is that it has a catch line of "So why do you wanna go put stars in their eyes?"






  2. again, I agree with Mac, who agree's with another poster....


    This is a must win for the club. If we do fail to take a victory, I fear that the spirit will be effected and our heads will drop.


    On the up side, I managed to get a days leave for this Sunday! :)



  3. There definately is not as many young players coming through as there once was.


    Even at my level of club management, we struggle for new young players, especially goal keepers. I can only surmise that the secondary education system, which appears to be more academic based now-a-days, is letting our potential young talent down, sadly.



  4. I don't think that the FA are taking action because of the comment about the rules. After all, like mentioned, we are grateful in this country of freedom of speech.


    What the FA will probably be taking further action under is that umbrella phrase, 'bringing the game into disrepute...'. It is one thing to make comments about the rules of the game, but to insult somebody in authority, is something else according to the FA.



  5. Nah, cycling is much better for you than running. Running plays havoc with peoples ankles, knees and hips. Cycling is far more enjoyable and less stressful on you!


    I used to cycle a good amount, however unfortunately with the wee one on the way as well as work commitments, I have let it slip recently.


    I have a very much loved and well looked after Trek Y3, which cost a bomb when I bought it (I think it was £950 there or there abouts) many years ago. It was worth every penny though...and when I have finished with it, I could hang it on a wall as a piece of art. lol



  6. Shameless is absolute class...


    I have booked prime position in the living room in front of the TV. Was booked from last week! lol!


    Can't wait...hopefully it will get Celebrity Big Brother off our box for an hour!!!



  7. "Where does our money go"...seemingly to a bunch of over-rated and over-paid second rate players and management who have very little honour for the badge or respect for themselves, the club or the supporters. I am more angry and disappointed now that the result and proceedings have sunk in. To loose at home, to a half pint Blackburn squad is, well, just embarrassing. :(

  8. I just don't get it. What is wrong with going to watch and support your club, have a pint or two (maybe more!), then go home. Why do these lowlife idiots persist in acting like animals? Thankfully, I have never witnessed anything like this on on the top balcony foyer area's.



  9. Definately...


    I think we looked competely sub-standard. VDM was nowhere to be seen during the first half, with the exception of his mistake with lead to the first goal. AJ had very little to do and I feel that a lot of pressure and expectation is being piled on VA who is not the finished article yet by a long way.


    The main issue for me though is the lack of tactic decision making by Moyes. I know it has been highlighted already as a major problem for the club, but it is complete and utter madness not to make any changes at half time, when we are three goals behind at half time, in a cup competition, at home!


    Then, to make the changes with only 15minutes left adds insult to injury.


    We need massive changes from top to bottom, including BK, Moyes and a good few of the squad - but alas, nothing is going to happen I am sure.



  10. still kewl though...


    I need to be educated in this sort of the program bearing in mind I only have just over four months until I offically become a father.


    Incidentally, on that subject, we found out on Thursday that we are having a boy - time to sort the name now, that and buying a new borns Everton shirt my baby's first ever photo, to be featured in a match day program and TT...lol!

  11. cheers thanks for the comments...


    I have made the changes to the bold font for the headlines...makes sense really...and I have added ToffeeTalk to the Sponsors and Associates section at the bottom right of the page.


    We will be adding photographs and images to the homepage following our next fixture hopefully. ;)


    More suggestions and throughts much appreciated.



  12. I have recently redesigned and developed my clubs website. The old website used piczo, which did its job, but to be honest was crude and a little childish. It also had millions of banner type adverts which seemingly really annoyed our website visitors, who used to complain via email or in the forum suggestions thread about them! Thankfully they are a thing of the past now.


    Anyway, the new website has been designed from scratch, uses a different colour scheme, uses free servers and is easily updated. It went live on 1st January.


    However, I am wanting to add more features and stuff but I can not think of much more. Please take a look and give me your honest opinions and thoughts, and any suggestions about new features, alterations and stuff would be much appreciated. The board on the club want the web page to be possibly used as a 'browser homepage' of our players and other visitors, hence why we have the tv listings, radio links, horoscopes, etc.






    oh, the website address CLICK HERE!!!

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