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Posts posted by DangerMouse

  1. if you spend all game making aimless runs down the wing and never anticipating anything then it's difficult for the midfield to do much, I wouldn't call Pienaar, Osman and Arteta non-creative players. Yakubu scores goals, so someone else could too. I like Bent, but I haven't seen enough of him to judge one way or the other, but he's younger and quicker than AJ, plus he's more direct so I'd take a chance if he's cheaper.


    Im sure that season Bent hit 30 Charlton played some of the best football in the league and finished up near the top of the table....

    No they didnt have superstars but they played some attacking very creative football

  2. They are not interested in Everton and and are requirement for a ground move........ They are thinking soley about the proposed regeneration of Kirkby......


    dont get the two mixed up........


    or maybe its in your intrests to spread it around it that way..........................................

  3. Being bored today ive just been browsing the net looking at most things concerning everton and project kirkby.


    Just an intersting point ive noticed browsing Toffeeweb, Toffetalk & KEIOC.net Alot of the posts on these sites seem to be the same.... and i mean cut and paste same...


    Then looking at some arguments I cart really see where the posters are coming from....


    for example I dont understand arguments such as ˝It could cost us up to 78million, that’s 78million debt˝

    then in the next comment saying something like ˝Lets rebuild Goodison Park˝ or ˝what about the loop site˝


    Surely surely we would accumulate more debt doing that?????? So for me that’s not really an argument…


    People like Louis seem to be admin on Toffeeweb & KEIOC… (hes actually the registered owner of this site) just posting the same ˝cut and paste˝ job on every site….


    Then we hear comments such as…….look at the support, look at the discussions on all these everton forums…. Generally it’s the same group of people posting on multiple sites….



    The aggrieved always shout loudest


    I hope your all happy when project Kirkby is dead, DM leaves and after further non investment the club falls on it arse…………



    But hey you can always say….



    At least we didn’t move to Kirkby

  4. "I think we cannot afford players to leave really because of the small squad we have got," added Neville.


    "We are the fifth best team in England at the moment, it is difficult to think clubs below us would be buying our players.


    "We want AJ to stay; the fans obviously want AJ to stay.


    "He is loved around the place so hopefully he will stay and we can build on the success he has had at the club so far."


    Urgh ive got myself involed in searching every website looking for some sign of transfer activity...... was convinced id mange not to.... Anyway.. came accross this..... Seems intersting...makes it seem as if its not really DM decision on wether or not AJ goes.....


    what you think???

  5. Im sure it will be a non event anyway..... All that have any involvement in making a decision ie. the bored, will know quite well that every word will be taken down in muinutes and end up all over sites like this.......


    dont expect answers to all these questions... Its just not going to happen

  6. Your way off the mark........ £12 million is the asking price, so Everton drop out of the running and look for the cheaper option.



    £12million, where did that come from!?!!?! :o One min he is a £2.5m player and then he goes to that. He must be good. Not heard much about him, so can't talk too much. But I this for that money, Mbia and Fernanades would be good, and we might still have about £2m (£4m Mbia and £6m Fernandes). Not sure what others think....? :huh:



    Apparently his price has gone up because he wont ask for a transfer... something like that.........

  7. Im not getting my hopes up......... if Newcastle dont nick him we would only get outbid by a bag of footballs anyway....


    I know its all just paper talk but ive had enough now.... DM may or may not be after all these players but im fed up looking around the internet looking for some sign of transfer activity.....


    I think my guess of a supper summer 32 mill spending spree was a bit off the mark....



    urgh im so SAD!!!!

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