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Posts posted by Foxon

  1. OK, I understood who they were I was asking who were you calling it to.






    not you :D


    romey answers that question





    Im flattered that you think correcting a correction and not caring if you stop posting makes me hard."

  2. That is a good start, but don't give it Charlie big spuds son. Don't go whinging about it being an open forum. This is the best Everton site you have been on and you know it.


    I love metal, I love Everton, sharpen up and see that our age difference is fairly substantial. Don't sulk and be a baby.


    Harden the fuck up.






    It aint whinging it is i just dont want so solid crew up there hassling every post i make. coz it will get annoying real quick.


    and being called a twit for saying a famous football pundit's saying.


    i want to have a laugh and talk bout football

  3. this forum is not wot i expected it to be.


    i thought it was everton fans aving a laugh and talkin about football but no i was wrong.


    it just seems to be idiots thinking there hard (apart from the odd few)


    dont expect me to post anymore

  4. rainbow 6:vegas is top class for online play, i was playin online with foxon earlier, you get a few nobs talking on it (we had what sounded like a 6 year old girl swearing her head off) but its top class for online play.


    gears of war is too good!


    yea but i kicked him lol at the end i got 36 kills 5 deaths i think u will get better with time lol i like G.R.A.W 2

  5. yer so ive got xbox live for a month for free, then im going to buy it full for 12 months, ye so i dno if you can but add me and what not i havent a clue how to do it =]


    just beat some american person who went barcelona on the champ league game, i ovcourse was everton :D


    yea sure i will add you


    with the premium you get a month free.


    i got fifa 07 not got champions league.

  6. Yeah, i didnt disbelieve you, but i dont know where they got those figures from, Preston have played 43 league games and one cup game = 44.


    He could not have played every game, not only because of his injuries But he has also had 10 (ten) Yellow cards and I Red card so must have missed another 3 or 4 games just for those. STRANGE :o


    firstly preston could not have only played one cup game because there are 2 cups so that means there are at least 2 games they played. lol


    and they got quite far in F.a cup coz they


    beat sunderland, then palace then lost to man shity.


    and even if he didnt play 44 he still got 17 goals so it even better :)



  7. It's actually pretty good :) You need a hard drive and a way of connecting your xbox 360 to the internet (an ethernet cable and/or a router will do).


    £60 a year is steep though.. I'd wait until the ps3 comes out because they are probably going to lower XBL prices to compete ;)


    wot u on about you can pick up a 12 month subscription card for 39.99.


    hard drive comes with the premium.


    you will need a router or buy another network card for your pc and conect the ethernet to your pc.

    many people do that you can go on line and on xbl at same time for about £5.

  8. i think i might get XBL aswell..... ive wanted it for ages but the wireless thing is somethin i really CBA forking out for and me mum hates wires so im abit stuck lol. bit if i shall get it i will be on it none stop! lolz!


    it is amazing i have had it since the orginal xbox i just get a long ethernet cable and tack it around the skirtin board.

    i would get ethernet and save the money for games lol i play rainbow 6 vegas, graw 2, fifa 07, guitar hero 2 and many more

  9. Foxon said...................""he had 44 apperances and 17 goals""




    I'm not sure he has played that many games, he's been out injured several times this season, think he missed about 4 games over Xmas period alone, can remember him missing other games also.


    Nugent over King anytime if we need to improve .................. King is not eufa Standard.


    i got it from here




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