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Posts posted by Zed

  1. dEFFO NOT ON sky, I was watchin sky last night and they plug their weekend schedule every 5 mins, and onlt manure v chelski are on


    Its a 2pm kick off so it doesnt clash with the above game. But only for TV aroung the globe, not UK

  2. Any 1 got Home & Dry ? a song sung by the players in the mid 80's?


    Home n dry

    You & I

    As long as were together

    then our dreams will never die

    all aboard the good ship Goodison/ head for our destiny yada yada etc etc


    Any 1 got on mp3, wav or whatever?


    The good ship Goodison, formerly known as the TITANIC :P

  3. good idea, then they can just talk about football generally instead of getting into talk about Everton that really doesnt concern them. good call mikeo



    Lets just fook em off, they wont be arse what the topic is called, they always end up talking about 5 times, 750,0000 season tickets, more trophies than you, your bitter, piss stained Kop, you dont get nowt for 4th. So fook all em off, they all go missing when they get beat, then their all back on here on a wednesday or thursday after they've played in Europe.


    Why take an instant dislike to a RS Supporter, it saves time



  4. Unfortunately Xavier or your alter ego DracoMalfoy, you just dont get it do you


    As pat said "naivety", and basically you havent a clue have you, for some reason you want to be part of the crowd, but your not, your an outsider looking in from a far with little or no experiance of what supporting a club is all about, most of the evertonians on here as far as I can see have an affinity with Everton and understand our dislike for the RS, you, on the other hand are a proffessional forum browser who has stubbled across TT and got a bit of joy .


    The arguments above a plain and clear and yet as per usual you dodge the sensible response, you couldn't even see the sarcasm in my post saying BAN THIS FOOKER after your wrote HO HUM


    Send yourself a PM with a link to you own forum or if its that boring go to




    Theres lots of people there

  5. What are the best torrent sites? Im new to all this kinda stuff and finding it tricky


    Thanks for the tip Killa, I'll give it a go when I get me head around it. I struggling to successfull download and convert atm. one step at a time eh

  6. just been reading back over these posts and wonder how most people did at at Maths in school, i know it wasnt my favourite subject, but how you can come up with this statement beggars belief......""its 4 points out of 6, and thats a big turnaround""(java). Thats basing our season on the last two games, why not base it on one game and say we will be champions, 100 % record 3 point from 3 points. :)


    If we get the same 28 points from the next 24 games, it will come to total of 35 points with 5 games to go, 40points is usually the safety mark, so i'm not convinced we would stay up.


    Looking at it from this seasons games....7 points from every 9 games, would give us a total 28 points from 36 games and that is deffo relegation.

    So you can gloss over all the cracks by quoting our points return over 2 games, but if you think that by taking a point off Chelsea, and 3 off a shit brum team means we are out of trouble you had better think again. I shall see what return we get from the next ten games before i am swayed one way or the other.


    I think thats spot on. Lets not start sucking each others cocks just yet


    As I said on a previous post i@ll wait and see at the end of novembeR

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