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Josh Berno

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Posts posted by Josh Berno

  1. Well am going today and I will be cheering on the blues. This game is actually one of the most important games of the season and it's a must win like the next three games will be thats if we fail to beat Villa today.


    I can't predicit what the score of this one is going to be. Tough game Villa have got some decent youngsters who we should shut out of the game if we do that we will have no problems... well apart from putting the ball in the back of the net!


    Does anybody else think Yakubu is going to get his 20 goal target what he set himself when he joined?

  2. This game showed that we need to buy big in the summer and get rid of shite like Hibbert, Carsley, Neville.


    There is clearly a big gulf in class between the top four and the teams below and I think getting beat at home by all the top four shows that we arn't good enough yet.


    Arteta will walk back into being the free kick tacker but I hope he won't. Manuel's Free Kicks caused more trouble than Arteta's have ever done (apart from when he actually scores which is rare).


    Has Arteta scored a free kick scince that one against Villereal?

  3. I think Blue 250 speaks the truth agree with most things that he said the only thing i don't agree wth is about the European Cup it's the best trophy up for grabs IMO (The League is arguable)


    Without the yanks Everton would be higher in the league than you's I think because without Torres (mascherano and babel arguable) you would be nothin!

  4. Can you take A few players on loan ie: Rodwell Kissock Vaughan or arn't they good enough for Preston?


    Did you have a big influence on tactics at Everton?


    And do you think you will be playing Everton in the premier league anytime in the next 6 years? :P

  5. Right well personally I think this game is going to be tougher than people will think.


    I think we will win but it will be tough because they have nothing and everything to play for.


    2-1 Fernandes and Osman. Faddy for them.

  6. i think you need to read the first post.

    Ronaldinho wouldnt go for that much, far less. Not only would you be getting a very very good player but the comercial money, fuck you would be rolling in it.


    Your forgetting that his wages would be about 150k-200k so that would fuck us up. The comercial money would go mostly to him. Look mate is Shevshenko went for 30m Ronaldhinio wouldn't go for less would he?

  7. haha u must be the one on drugs mate, Totti is well past his best.


    mate am not beein funny or nothin but even if he is past his best he's still class and wud fit into Everton perfectly.


    Wud u want Big teeth for 40-50m or Totti for 15-20m


    Yes he may be 31-32 but Ronaldo will probably still be good at 31-32.


    Give it a rest mate you contredict everything I say and your really getting on my nerves.

  8. O you know what Fuckin Gobshites just shut up you have not right to say that Carley's was a foul if you don't admit Gerrards was a foul...


    Never going on 606 again either there all wankers and should be shot. LOL there was a Newcastle fan getting all gidy because Newcastle were actually winning by a big score and getting cocky saying " Everton are shite we beat them at home "... Fortunately for him I couldn't remember my password to 606 otherwise i would have ripped his head off!


    True about the refs I think we would defiantly be 4th at least if it was for Linesmen and Referrers.


    I thought it was a foul at first but looking back on it it obviously wasn't it was just Yakubu trying to make up for his terrible error. Only way Yakubu can bounce back from this is a hatrick against Derby

  9. Well said Licker summed it up nicely! :P


    Yes he is good and yes last season if we had sold him he would have been irreplaceable but I think we could get decent midfielders for the price of Arteta. Anybody think we could get over 20M for him because we could get Kallstrom and That 6ft 5 Belgian fella.


    I'm sure Arteta would be surely missed but I think we could live without him. (but making sure the replacement is top class) :D

  10. Well if i had predicted a lose a perfect way to sum it up would be 'hate to say I told you so' but I was stupid enough to predict a win.


    Ref's cost us the game yet again but saying that every website I went on didn't say that Yakubu was fouled. We didnt do enough to get even a draw though so I honeslty think we have just said goodbye to 4th spot but tbh I knew we wer'nt going to get it in the first place because were not good enoguh.


    Theres a big gulf between 5th and 4th... The team in 4th have a matchwinner the team in 5th havn't. Just hope we come back next year more prepeared to take 4th spot from these twats. Shows that we need to buy big in the summer otherwise prepear for another defeat from this 2 man team.

  11. All over not even watching it now cant be arsed with Everton were not better than Liverpool and we know it.


    Howard Webb and Mark Clatenburg must be best friends for sure fuckin baldy twit.

  12. My Cousins girlfriend is best mate's with... You'll never guess who... Shaun Wright-Phillips girlfriend.


    Me Cousin said when he meets him he gonna knock the cheeky twit out and tell him to never score against Everton again. :P


    So if you see in the newspaper SWP Knocked out In Local Club you'll know who its is. :P

  13. COYB! So hope we win this. I remember when we won 3-0 i had a field day with the reds but you know they had excuses like " HIBBERT HAND BALLED IT WIDE! " I just said to them... " ANDY JOHNSON!!!! " O i loved that game. Come on yak were counting on you to repeat Johnson's 2 against them last season or Johnson just pretend your heads the ball like last time maybe Reina will get confused again :P:D

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