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Josh Berno

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Posts posted by Josh Berno

  1. IMO F1 is a great sport... but the amount of times 24 cars go round a track 78 times or whatever it is. Also they have practice laps then qualifying laps and then a warm up lap before the start of the race. It wouldn't be as bad if it was just the race!


    All credit to F1 drivers It takes alot of bottle to drive at them speeds but the way they go on about global warming nowadays you would think one of the world leaders would think that F1 must be contributing to the CO2 emissions terribly. Its not as if its a necessity like driving a car is!


    As i said before i enjoy watching it but surely its not more important than life on Earth as we know it! Well done Hamilton btw :)

  2. I think the time was right for him to move but hes been a great servant and although he didn't win anything while he was with Everton he did some amazing things like Winning us the derby know one will ever forget that. :P


    ATB Carsley and as Ian said im sure you will do the job wherever you go!

  3. How ironic first pen on the last day of the season :lol:


    Great preformance from the lads! Now Moyes needs backing from the board for money and its happy days. I don't know about anybody else but I know that even if you finish in the uefa cup places its a high finish but do you think Moyes will be happy with fifth because I think he will be wanting to break the sky 4 an cause a bit of a disaster to them.


    Either way I will be proud to be a blue!

  4. Wessels was a really good keeper and as Randomness said above probably kept us in Europe. I think ever since the Oldham game when there player had that shot it looked like Wessels could have saved it I think everyone thought he was crap after then but he couldn't have played for Bayren Munich if he was crap even though he was on the bench most of the time he was second best behind a world class keeper.


    I hope Fernandes stays he's proved himself in the past few games and he didn't really set the world alight when he first joined us last season an you can't blame him for his fitness level because it was Valencia's fault.


    Not bothered about Carsley or Graverson. Both been good servants but I think both have finally failed to make the cut and we don't need players of this age when trying to push into the 'Sky 4'. If they were actually world class an Carsley's age then yes I would keep him but his times up I'm afraid IMO. Could still sign a contract though.

  5. I think I changed my username on that day and it reset.


    Although I'm member number 1 and Bill is number 325 ;)


    HaHa :P Thanks for letting me know I would have been rarther confused otherwise!... So whos number two then :D

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