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Josh Berno

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Posts posted by Josh Berno

  1. I wouldnt mind having this fella in at Everton. At least hes a Everton fan and hes rich! I think Everton have led the way long enough as a big club with no investor and I really think that Everton need a inverstor because otherwise were going to fall behind and we will be getting relagated because even clubs like Leiscter have big investors si u wouldnt mind as long as BK and RE still have somthing to do in the club.

  2. I am not a fan of Hibbert and i know a number of you arnt aswell but I dont know what Everton can do with him its not as if Tony Hibbert is Young (as in Vic young) but can a player like him be improved. Is he our right back or is someone else i really dont know.

  3. But its not about visiting places its about EVERTON and whats best for EVERTON. I think we would do well in a medium to hard group simply because the players know what to expect and they dont want to let the fans down. I think we would get knocked out of a easy group because if we go into them games with the attitude as we did with Metallist (The Unknown) Karkhiv we would be goin out as quick as Everton in the Champions League (haha). But i think because everton now no not to underestimate anyone in this compotion we would do good . I am not sure what to expect of Everton in this UEFA Cup but I am confident that Everton wether we win the compotiton or fall at the second herdule I am sure they will make us fans proud.

  4. ran at them? he can run! you learn something new everyday

    Its people like you who get me down. I no your only joking but if your daugther/son was seriously ill u wudlnt be able to sleep at night. Think how hard it must be for him. If I were him i no footie would be the last thing on my mind. So please just give him a break.

  5. I don't mind you slating players for having a bad game but really what has Yak done that bad. So he hasn't settled in as quick as you would like. Faddy was inconsistent and crap last season according to you guys but now he is in form he is the dogs.


    All this crap about VDM His daughter has been born with some major damage and all we do is say what a drunk he is. I know if my daghter had been born with the same porblems the tribulations of a saturday afternoon would pale insignificance. We hounded beattie out of the club lets not do the same to AJ + Yak two worldclass players.


    Totally agree there mate. i thought this thread was about not slaking the players off but we are. Wer gettin worse than Liverpool fans when a player has a bad game get on his back and call him for everthing but FFS get of OUR players backs and give them the support they need.

  6. This is going to be only post in this thread, because I think I'll get pissed off and start smashing things if I have to think about last night again.


    WTF was Moyes thinking? Is he clueless? Playing Carsley ahead of Jagielka is suicidal, the twat spent all of his time ball watching and generally doing fuck all but go backwards. Why play the long ball? Moyes must be telling them to do it, theres just no other explanation for it. It played right into their hands. They knew how to pass the ball, and do you know what else? They did it with style and pace. Two things we know absolutely nothing about. Why do we get the ball and stop it, then look about and then play it backwards? We never do anything with any speed, and it gives the opposition time to regroup. Also once again, our movement and support play were atrocious. Our players constantly stand about waiting for something to happen, rather than supporting the player with the ball and making something happen. Sort it out Moyes or people will lose faith in you, if they havn't already.


    Four players I thought were especially poor - Carsley, Hibbert (do fuck off), Osman (was he even playing?), and Neville. One of them (Osman) can be a good player on his day, so I won't be too pissed with him. But the other three, LEAVE PLEASE. I can't really complain about Yakubu's performance really, he was having balls hoofed up to him that he just couldn't win and the only way for him to get the ball at his feet was to come INTO HIS OWN FUCKING HALF to get it off the defenders. That sets alarm bells ringing in my head, I don't know about anyone else. I can't complain with Faddy either, he was the only one who showed that he wanted to move forward with the ball at his feet. Yes, sometimes he lost the ball but he should be commended for having a go, not slaughtered. Lescott, I thought, had his worst game for us. He was all over the place IMO. Yobo was solid, and deserves a lot of praise. Baines was MOTM once again, superb lad, keep it up. Hibbert was caught ball watching time and time again when there were opposition players behind him. I felt like running on the pitch and murdering the stupid fuck. Surely even Blue4ever can't defend his performance last night?


    I feel sorry for AJ, his only chances in the game, due to our ineptitude, were the penalties. Slots the first one home superbly, and then thanks to our own players being dickheads he has to retake it and misses. Cheers to all those who ran into the box, you fucked us over. He should never have taken the penalty right at the end of the game, Mcfadden probably should have had it or anyone that can take a penalty really.


    Congrats must go to Metallist, you outplayed us last night (even with 9 men). You showed us how to play football. Maybe we should approach your manager to give Moyes some tips on how to create an attacking team who have a bit of style about them.


    Well done you have summed up an explination of y Everton wer so shit 2 days ago. Total agree with everythin your sayin. What has happend to Pip aswell hes all of a sudden went shit he was a key player last season he just went complety down the pan. We should have played VDM for 1 simple reason HE HAS EUROPEAIN EXPERINENCE what most of our players dont have eg: Hibbert,Osman,Neville(well he has but he was probably sub most of the time) and carsley. The only players who didnt have europeian experience and who played good wer Baines,McFadden wer good (baines mom imo). I just hope that we can win in Ukraine by hook or crook. :angry:

  7. I downloaded the demo from Xbox Live I know its a demo but its not much an improvement on Fifa 07. Still getting it though. New leagues New player registrations (maybe they will actually have Arteta) going to be good though i can see myself spending most of my free time on this game and my free time is nearly all the time! :P Does anyone actualy know why Arteta isnt registered on Fifa 07. :bike:

  8. Mixed feelings about this match anoyed about the late goal Everton wernt creative enough no good balls which the forwards could work with. Anoyed with Hibbert it was his fault for the goal imo. Anoyed with Moyes with his subtitutions he does it all the time should have brought McFadden on instead of Anichebe as soon as McFadden was brought on he nearly scored. But when you have no Cahill ,Graverson or Howard your bound not to create stuff. What is going on with Arteta he seems as tho he cant be botherd any more hes definitley not going to get picked for the Spain squad when hes playin like that. Would have seteled for a draw but we can only look forward and hope to improve.

  9. I am against the Kirkby move but i thought i would enter this topic reading it on the Everton website. I have alot of respect for this man but I thought he would have more sense than BK and KW just going along with it because hes part of Everton. Heres the link. Say what you think on this Topic.



  10. I agree the train is probably the best route... 3-4 hours from London. Driving in Liverpool is a horrible experience, even if you are from the area :)Try and get a virgin train because they are quicker (up to 170mph apparently! - take 2 and a half hours, makes me wonder why I've never visited) and safer


    Ye at lest you dont get blown up by terroists on the Tube. :D Only Messing. Yes do get the Virgin Train.

  11. Couple things about Arteta!.........After the first two games this season the rs forums

    were full of "Arteta would walk into our first team".........next thing you know some rs

    are banding about various forums that Arteta is unhappy!!


    Thoes same forums were saying Lescott and in some cases Yobo would also walk

    into their team!......how long before were told they too are unhappy at Everton?


    Probably just some people not happy Everton have some class players.


    BUT!.....If Arteta was unhappy now....surely he wasn't too happy a few months back!

    When he signed up for another 5 years of this misery!!!!!


    Arteta is excellent and still young......therefore worth LOTS of money....say £15million

    at least.That's a couple of decent players.And remember two good players are worth

    ten unhappy superstars.


    Arteta's not daft enough to think that just to move would mean he's in the Spanish team

    next week........anyway there are plenty of international players at Everton!


    Mr Arteta!Do it week in week out....help us win things,and your Spanish dream

    WILL come true.


    Untill then get your head down and show the Everton fans who pay your wages how

    good you are.


    Good luck at Bolton......couple of goals or an assist or two would be nice!


    Talkin to a rs today and he was sayin y is Lescott in the England squad and Yobo is shit and shit like that and when I read this I was think have Kopites got a brain they talk absolute bullshit. Ya know at least its not Carragher moanin just because he cant play in right back. Anyway Lescott will do a fine job for England i am sure of it.

  12. seen these shirts recently, there half club and half country...but they didn't have any everton shirts....was gutted!! think there a great idea...think they help alot with racism aswel......dont ya think we should be involved??...what dya reckon???


    check out the shirts there on http://www.4clubandcountry.co.uk


    I know fuckin hell Conventry were they ever good and Newcastle! Stile wouldnt get one tho bit shit just stick with the Everton shirts :D

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