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Posts posted by Calico

  1. Yeah, I would.


    You say at one point, "If you believe so be it, just dont try and impose it on others (not saying anyone is here mind)."


    And then you go on to question the faith some people have. Hypocrite.



    Don't get me wrong, I don't go to church. I just think most people couldn't discuss religion sensibly if they were handed the script personally.

  2. Yeah, your lot will have to qualify for a competition at some time in the modern age :P


    As for the England media... do your lot not realise that many English people (fans or not) are sick of the media for reasons other than football, as well as football? I mean, football is obviously very important, but I'd prefer if one of the most popular newspapers was not fabricating stories about important people like the PM for example (i.e. Piers Morgan and the false story about Blair), rather than over-hyping the national football team.

  3. I . . . sort of agree. I mean, the best teams pretty much have one system that the players from the whole squad should be good enough to play in. For this you need intelligent players who know how to be flexible.


    I think Riquelme is the type of player who belongs in a team that can keep the ball and are brave enough to pass it around. I mean, when he played against us, Villareal tore us apart at will. I think he'd enjoy playing with Arteta and Pienaar, whilst maybe Appiah could play behind the three with two forwards up top, or maybe next to Carsley with one up front. This would be a dream team for us to have IMO, but I don't think the squad could handle it.

  4. ...t'is the best way to rotate, for sure.



    Also, good call on getting another CB. I was worried at the beginning of the season when I saw we only had three proper players in that position, one of which can't play every game in the season any more (Stubbs), the other we'd be missing for the ACN, and the third being in his second season so possibly struggling.


    I think someone like Appiah would be great, but someone like Riquelme belongs in a 4-diamond-2 and we haven't got the first 11 - never mind squad - to play that.

  5. Yeah, Arteta laid a nice little pass on for Vic before he got fouled for the pen. Well said, MikeO.


    I dunno, we never looked like we were gonna lose and if Timmy was a bit fitter (match fitness I mean) then he may have got the other one that Osman laid on for him in the first half.


    I don't think there was a bad performance per se, just a little nervy in the midfield when we could have kept the ball better but chose to pass it back, and then it got hoofed over Yaks head, or let them have possesion, or just passed it to Yak to hold it up. So a little naive maybe from some of the midfielders, but fortunately their players seemed to be shot on confidence for the most part so it wasn't punished. Gotta give a shout for Yak and Ossie, and I agree that people need to look at Arteta's game as a whole -- he kept the ball better than the other midfielders but got little support; yes his set plays were shit, but we've got more to our game now than just set plays, as proven over the last few games.

  6. Australia has just about better football coverage than the Uk. -> Wake up dodge (reg) & find the frequency.


    Between all my chyannels I get @ least _>



    Champs L

    UEFA Cup


    Asian Champs L

    Asian Cup


    Seria A

    World Cup quals (soonish)

    La Ligia



    Eire League

    Copa America


    Euro Championships

    Le Championnat

    Portuguese Liga


    & whatever comp's I have forgot


    I have missed 1 league game not shown live thus far this season ( Derby other week)


    UEFA cup match is 6am my time zone, quite happy wif that.



    So bloody unfair...:(

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