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Posts posted by Adam

  1. Not sure I could give you my top ten games of all time to many to choose from going all the way back to when I was a kid of Atic Attack, Manic Minor and Wheelie


    However think I would have to say my fav game off all time is Zelda - A link to the past on the snes.


    Loved that game even completed it again about 3 years ago using an xbox emulator

  2. Never been a fan of Senderos, however will reserve judgement on him til after seen him playing for Everton (if he has indeed agreed to join).


    We need another centre back for cover and depending on the price this could be a good buy for us.


    DM does seem to have the knack of getting the best out of players and he is still young and has played for the Arse and AC Milan last season on loan.

  3. The think that worries me is that if we sell him for £22m or around that we wont bring anyone in to replace him or only think we will do is bring in a free or cheap transfer to replace him and by the time the wondow opens again the balance of the money would have gone.


    Although would like to see him stay at the price they reporting to be offering shortly as other people have said is good business

  4. With my wife being a cardiff fan I have seen Ledley play a few times on tv for both Cardiff and Wales and also keep up with news on Cardiff.


    I would love Ledley to come here but cardiff after turning down an offer of around £5m last season are saying that he is still worth the same now even though coming into his final season.


    My guess is that the price would drop in January had no one already signed him.


    I think he would do well in the premiership and is only young as well.


    Think Hunt would be a good addition at that price.

  5. I think lots of people will think that....and some will think that we'll sell him and still not spend any money :) .

    Personally (based on nothing more than gut feeling) I think Davey will do anything to avoid selling. I think he's probably got a budget of around £10-12m as it is and I think that if Lescott forces his hand by asking for a transfer he'll get another £10-12m from the sale but may not spend it until January.

    And I think he'll have marmite on toast for breakfast tomorrow....black decaff coffee with a spoonful of golden granulated sugar....just my instinct; don't quote me.


    Sorry have read in newspapers that he has sweetners


    I think that if Lescott wants to stay he will need to come out and say so

  6. I hated going on holiday when the transfer window is still open as used to go to an interent cafe about every couple of hours just hoping to get some news on new signings then feel disappointed when nothing happended so would have to stop of at the pub on the way back to the hotel (even though the missus said they had internet at the hotel)

  7. First choice was Canada but cant get in there as my qualifications are not reconised over there but have been to tenerife on holiday about 5 time and really enjoy it over there plus the missus would love it cos of the heat

  8. I have said before I dont think that we have any money for signings this summer.


    BK has said before they will have to borrow to sign players like last season and I think they want to keep the debt down as low as possible.


    In about a weeks time we will get from Everton that with all the players coming back from injury it will be like have loads of new signings then DM will come out and say no one is avalible at prices we can afford but will still bring someone in then at deadline day after a couple of injuries at the beginging of the season we will be waiting all day for some signings that wont happen followed by the normal 'we done everything we could'

  9. What annoyed me last night when I heard that Cana had signed for Sunderland was that yesterday i think was the first time they had been linked with the player.


    They get him to go where they are tour and sign him in a day.


    Now not saying they only started there interest in him yesterday but we have been linked with him for the past 3 weeks and nothing happens they manage to sort everything out in what seems a day

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