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Posts posted by EFC-Paul

  1. You'll need all the luck in the world if we get the balance right between youth and experience :P


    Haha :lol: should be a good game always a few twists and turns in cup games but as you said Romey if we get it right those chaps are in for a hiding :P

  2. I do expect a win against Hull as much as i like what Phil Brown has done with a team like Hull i think there fortunes may change in the next couple of months and i can see us getting a convincing win.

    As for Arsenal am not so sure although they are playing poorly by there standards they can change there game at a drop of a hat although if there was a time to play them and possibly get a result i suppose nows the time but i would be happy with a draw.

    Liverpool is obviously going to be a tough task but as with any derby anything can happen. Hopefully Gerrard will be delt with by the FA for the assualt case and handed a hafty game ban as was Barton but most probebly wont happen but would be nice and justified :lol: again would be happy with a draw.

    United dont look as threatening as they have in previous seasons so far to me and they dont like playing tooth and nail teams and aslong as we hold out which im confident we can do id expect us to get a draw.


    I would be happy with six points out of those games as Villa still have to play the top tier teams later on in the season and as i've said in another thread coupled with the Uefa cup games could play in our favour as we will have far less tired legs and possible injuries and so on.

  3. I dont think tired legs will be the case Jirby as Sunderland are fielding the same team bar two defenders and were lucky not to get beat off Blackburn. If we keep Cisse and especially Malbranque quite they cant operate as they would want to with a full house behind our lads and a streak of our own this should be a good game and three points.


    Everton: Howard, Hibbert, Jagielka, Lescott, Baines, Arteta, Osman, Neville, Fellaini, Pienaar, Cahill.


    Subs: Nash, Van der Meyde, Rodwell, Jutkiewicz, Anichebe, Gosling, Kissock.


    Sunderland: Fulop, Whitehead, Nosworthy, Collins, Bardsley, Malbranque, Tainio, Richardson, Murphy, Cisse, Jones.


    Subs: Colgan, Edwards, Yorke, Healy, Colback, Henderson, Prica

  4. Another three away points on the board :D We bossed the game with comfort if we had a fit Yakubu or Saha to get on the end of some of those through balls we would have won by three or four.

    Quite impressed with Goslings performance made some good challenges and played a few good balls unlucky not to get a goal or two. Good crimbo week chaps COYB

  5. Thanks Paul.


    His computer has NVIDIA GeForce 8200....


    ...which I'm guessing would make it GeForce 8 series?


    ...and as (again guessing) your post says 6 & 7 series are OK, logic would suggest that 8 series would be more recent and therefore all should be OK.


    Does that sound right?


    Yeah thats fine mate it will work with games running up to 4:0 pixel shader so would work fine with Logo games. "NVIDIA GeForce8 Series: chipset with integrated graphics supports DirectX 10, Pixel Shader 4.0, and PureVideo HD"

  6. Bit of advice lads....Josh wants to buy a PC game (Lego Star Wars) which states...


    Very important - graphics card must support pixel shader or this program will NOT run.


    ....how do I know/find out if his PC is OK?


    What gfx card and processor is it using mate? The reason i ask what processor it is using is that if its a decent one and has enough power there are programes which can bypass the pixel shader.

    The following gfx cards support the pixel shader Mike if you find what type of card it is and bob it into google along with support pixel shader it should tell you if not let me know and ill have a nosey for you.


    The following cards support Shader Model 1.0:


    - ATI Radeon 85xx Series (1.4)


    - ATI Radeon 9000 Series (1.4)


    - ATI Radeon 9100 Series (1.4)


    - ATI Radeon 92xx Series (1.4)


    - NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti (1.1)


    - NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti (1.3)


    The following cards support Shader Model 2.0:


    - ATI Radeon 95xx Series


    - ATI Radeon 96xx Series


    - ATI Radeon 9700 Series


    - ATI Radeon 9800 Series


    - ATI Radeon X7xx Series (2.0b)


    - ATI Radeon X8xx Series (2.0b)


    - NVIDIA GeForceFX Series (2.0a)


    The following cards support Shader Model 3.0:


    - ATI Radeon X1x00 Series


    - NVIDIA GeForce 6 Series


    - NVIDIA GeForce 7 Series

  7. Possibly the worst post of the year!


    Cahill up front on his own?


    Not enough goals in Yakubu? A poor man's Heskey?


    You must be a redshite because you can't possibly be serious?


    Have to agree mate, Yakubu is by far a better player then Heskey a very poor comparison as Heskey can only hold up the ball and has a very very poor goal record.

    Saha has contributed as much if not more then most in the games he has played, we all know that he has injury trouble but we have seen when playing he has it in him to become a good player for our club. Its not upto himself if he plays or not so being soft is out of the question thats down to the medical staff and manager.

  8. Not really worried to be truthful although Villa are a good team they are far from unbeatable and will lose points in those fixtures. We may have a slightly tougher schedule in those months but Villa still have to face those teams further down the line.

    After the fixtures you have listed we play:











    H-Man City






    After the fixtures you mentioned we have an easier run of things and like i said Villa still have to play the top teams further down the line which will benefit us more then anything. We can concentrate on the league whereas Villa are still in Europe and will have a far busier schedule then ourselves so by rights we will aslong as we can stay as injury free as possible have fresher legs in the up and coming months. We saw how it took its toll on are own players last season and like us Villa do not have a huge squad so hopefully it will take its toll.

    The same can be said of Hull a small squad who will start to run out of gas in my opinion as well as they are doing i can not see them being able to hold up there for the rest of the season. If you consider the very poor start we have had to the season and the way we where playing to be only 6 points off Villa and fourth spot if we can grind a few results out and keep playing how we have of late we will do fine.

    Dont worry Taxi 5th will be ours :D

  9. Alright chaps Just watched The Day The Earth Stood Still http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=A_bNDv0-ZrU which i thought was quite good if like my old man "old farts only" :D you liked the old version like him you may not like this one as much as you expect as it does differ from the original abit but well worth watching.

    Also watched Cass the other day which is a true story on ex ICF front man Cass Pennants life. A good film well worth watching if you like Football Factory and so on.


  10. As Adam said i can see this being the start of us picking up points at home whether that be one point or all three its a tough one to choose but as Mike said i cant see us being blown away.

    Chelsea and the other top 3 teams dont usually operate very well when teams lay into them and keep closing them down if we can do that i think we will be ok.


    2-1 Saha Fallaini - Kalou

  11. Goalkeepers: Howard is one of the best goalkeepers out there and Nash is good for a substitute keeper. Turner and Ruddy are both very talented and should get thier time in the team when Moyes thinks that the time is right. When Nash packs in we need to sign another goalkeeper. Turner and Ruddy ain't ready for the Premiership yet.


    Defenders: Good. Hibbert and Yobo let us down but both players are good within the team. Lescott is coming back to form and Jacobsen is getting back to fitness, good news.

    Midfielders: Same, doing well at the moment with Fellaini, Cahill, Osman, Arteta and Pienaar (forgot some I know) and we look like a real threat in that area when we are playing 100%


    Strikers: Problem. Yakubu needs to shape up or leave. Anichebe just isn't good enough when everyone is fit and Vaughan is injury prone - Saha is the only attacker that I am 100% pleased with. Agree with Reg who said 'We need a temporary one in January, and we need a permanent one next summer.'


    I agree mate pretty much my thoughts. I would say in the medium term we could as some have said a real left sided midfielder who has pace if we could get say Obinna and we carry on playing and improving the way we are i think we will do better then expected this season.

    I would love us to bring in Jimmy Bullard as it looks very unlikely we will take Castillo on a permanent basis and he is a player i think this club needs and would suit our football and team down to the ground.

    In the long term i hope the young lads we have get the chance to progress well and step up to the plate in the future i suppose its hard to say really as long as we keep plugging away as we have for the last couple of years and spend what we have wisely we will be ok.

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