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Posts posted by EFC-Paul

  1. I think the shite's form will dip after Christmas they looked very average against Hull apart from playdo face the other players looked tired. I still think United and Chelsea have to much in the tank especially United i think we will see the table rapidly change in the coming months well i hope so :lol:

  2. "He has hasn't got the strength or determination of either yak or vic" No offense mate i know forums are for each others opinions and so on but that is the worst point/assumption i have come across on here.

    Yakubu is one of the laziest players in our squad if not the laziest and has always been known for being lazy at previous clubs the same goes for Vic he has only pulled his finger out this season in the handfull of games he has featured. Determination the same applies as above Saha has been the most useful striker for us so far this season and has shown a great deal more interest and determination then 99% of our other players.

    Vic has had enough time to prove his worth for this club so in terms of a player being a luxury id say he has had it pretty custy so far he would have been shown the door by most other teams a long time ago instead of picking up a paypacked each week for a handfull of games.

    Yakubu as much as i like him as a player when on form he is worth the money but still is one of the biggest luxuries this club has ever had, when on form yes he's worth every penny but he's to hit and miss at times and seems to fade away to often.

  3. He doesnt justify a place on the bench on previous performances this season never mind a start, As already said Neville has played well at right back so far if Moyes does have a change in the line up it should be to bring Castillo into the starting eleven Hibbert can piss off.

  4. I suppose which Everton team turns up if we play like we have in the last two games i think we will have enough to beat City and i would go with a 2-1 win Saha/Fellaini. If we play as we did prior to those two games i would expect us to get our arses spanked good and proper 4-1 Robinho-2 Ireland-1 Benjani-1 and Saha-1

  5. I would not say he looks like a striker on form but to dismiss the bloke so far is not very fair or logical. He has come into a new team from a long term injury so expecting him to score an abundance of goals from the word go is abit naive apart from that he has looked the better player out of our forward line so far, he puts in a decent shift and as said in other topics he has not had the best service from our midfield so far.

    We all know that his fitness is an issue but he is a natural goalscorer who is costing us next to nothing if he can keep fit and our team can supply the chances im sure he will get the goals.


    Pro's - Natural goalscorer with a proven record, 30 is not exacly old in footballing terms, Cost next to nothing, Has a good work rate.

    Con's - Injury & Fitness record and the reason i say record is it may not be the case with us this could be the only time he's out of action for us and United are notoriously known for giving players long rest periods due to injury/s.

  6. You cant compare him with Fabregas both are worlds apart in terms of style and play, thats one of the reasons i would in my opinion class him as a niche player and there are not many 6ft4 midfielders in the Prem and generally its Defenders or keepers that are that size and have next to zero ball control due to there size.

    He's more in the mould of a Viera type player and given time im sure he will play a big part in our future i may be wrong like but from what i can see he has no reason not to become and develop into a very good player.

  7. I like Fellaini i think the lad has shown a good amount of potential in certain area's of his game which can only improve with time and experiance. There are a few factors to take into account when judging the lad as we all know and as Romey said his price tag would have been inflated due to our situation in the transfur window that being said if he develops the way we hope he will be well worth the money.

    He's only 21 in a totally new and tougher and faster paced league also playing within a team that has hugely underachieved thus far so up to this point i think the lad is doing well. He's a niche player with his height and build and will add something to our team that not many others have.

  8. All depends on the fee as his wages as most Bundesliga players are nothing astronomical if we could get him for around 2mil and we have the money :rolleyes: id say he would be well worth buying.

    Not much and i know youtube is nothing to go by but a few clips of the man in question doesnt seem shy of having a crack at goal, also read abit about him and he seems very highly rated in Germany.





  9. If we have next to nothing to spend i'd take a punt on Owen in January with a price tag of 2-3mil and has already stated he would be willing to take a wage cut how much of a cut is the question but if it was a sizable cut then i would much rather go for Owen then Hesky, I think he would jump at the chance to join us as the top four clubs wont look twice.

  10. I cant stand the greasy gimp and i agree Reg his attitude is going very sour he will leave United and will slowly fade away. The best player in the world far from it he has as already said a very poor attitude plus he never really shows up in big games or against teams that get stuck into him. Glad he was sent off and the sooner he fucks off abroad the better.

  11. its all doom and gloom...hopefully at least a draw...why all the bad blood against lescott hes still our best left back...and our best player for the last 2 years...do some of you really go to the games.


    Are you serious mate if you are i take it you need new contact lenses, Lescott has been very poor so far this season and has at times cost us games.

    I hope we can take something from this game but i very much doubt it 1-2 to the yids.

  12. I agree in terms of playing good flowing football we are pretty dire in that department, I felt when Moyes took over he instilled abit of belief and we got down to being a solid unit similar to how Bolton played when they came into the Prem no flashy football but good effective hardwork and graft. The thing that worries me now as its obvious at the moment we are not playing as we used to is whether this is just a faze that will pass or is this what is in store for the remainder of the season.

    I cant see any major improvement in how we are playing to be honest we are playing very poor football it seems we are low on confidence which we have been from the start of the season which can only fall on Moyes's shoulders plus with no funds come January to strenghen or add that much needed spark things look bleak to me as i've already said we will be lucky to get two points out of the possible twelve in the coming games and the league being so close this season we will soon find ourselves near the bottom three.

    If i where Moyes i would start dropping players and giving younger lads a go as are football cant get worse and we will at least play with abit of heart.

  13. Watched Saw 5 last night and it looks as though there will be ANOTHER after this :rolleyes: not a bad film nothing special but worth a watch.

    Two films i am looking forward to are The Day The Earth Stood Still all you old farts will know its a remake of an old classic :P The new one stars Keanu Reeves and looks very good http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=A_bNDv0-ZrU

    Also 2012 which is a film based on the old Mayen calender and other prophecies that the world will end in that year http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5VXa82AuwHU

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