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Everything posted by markduff

  1. where you happy with the westham game mike??
  2. quicker duffy goes on loan the better!!! if moyes thinks hibbert was a good replacement for jags on tue nite,,,,,then i think he has lost the plot! settled for a 1-1 againt westham! get urself a set of balls moyes in the transfer window!!!!!
  3. moyes needs to buy a set of balls in jan!
  4. well done seamus!! great stuff.
  5. will be great to see the lad getting first team action!!!
  6. though to the finals.....well done bhoys!!
  7. good effort from the lad today i thought...... pity about the hand ball.!
  8. yak is really in big need of a diet plan and his ball control is shit, why was he not sold when they had the chance?
  9. he is a rep of ireland player now!! onwards and upwards . OLE OLE
  10. shane will play some part against sligo rovers next weekend hopefully! tickets i hear are sold out for the game! will be good for the irish fans to get a look at the young talant and a few big names!
  11. cant see it, bit early yet!! but he will be there! are you going to that game? any one else coming over for sligo rovers V everton game?
  12. shane is back on the ball again!! happydays!!!!
  13. great talent on show once again at the milk cup...... no doubt more future players for the premiership!!
  14. tbh i havin asked him about it and i wouldnt be able to say if i did wouldnt want him gettin into any hassle from the gaffer pity it ended the way it did, if it is gonna be the end?
  15. lol...well when ya put it like that??? by the way duffy would be the first up to take a spot kick, and giggs might be in the everton side at that stage!!! hearts with united, minds with the blues! shane couldnt be at a better club imo!
  16. everton 40% united 60% best i can do mike!! put it like this il be at more everton games this year than uniteds!
  17. hello lads!! another we update.....shane is in top form and back at finch farm, already doing 15 to 20k on bike and has started jogging!! he shocking everyone with his will ta get back into action again!!! all being well he hopes to be doing ball work as soon as the middle of aug this year!!! all i can say about him is......WHAT A MAN!!! ps just wanna say a big thanks to the people that sent get well soon cards to shane when he was in the matter hospital in dublin, lovely touch by the everton fans!!! coyb
  18. light training Romey!!! he has been walking for 30-40 min every evening..... what can i say!! its hard ta keep a good man down
  19. Shane got the all clear for him to start training again!!!! happydays
  20. young mens fashion....louis would hardly know anything about it.....
  21. steve stunton....and david o leary ......... perfect to take them to the lower levels!
  22. lol....yeah im behind the welcome home banner with the white ireland top on!!! was kinda trying to keep outta the camera mans way!!! was a great day, just great to see him coming back home and lookin so well!! he is making great progress, his bloods are nearly all back to normal and i know he is keen to get back over to everton to get the ball rolling again!! i think he is going back over at the start of july??! he is playing fifa10 ps3 online lads if ya fancy taking him on, (shane duffy5)... but go easy on him for i hear hes crap at it.... .
  23. its a bit early for a question like that! were just happy he is still with us
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