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Posts posted by Memmaclub

  1. I haven't seen one of these for ages but who would you pick in the team and what formation would you play if we had a fully fit squad.


    I would play 451



    Nev Jags, Lescott, baines

    Gosling Fellani Arteta Piernar




    I think based on me not seeing an obvious choice for the right wing that is where we need to get renforcements

  2. WHy would e get rid of Yak as stated he is amazing on his day. and when fit his day comes quite often. If we can get jo on loan with the current stikers in the squad I don't think we need anymore forwards I would concentrate on a classy winger for both sides of the pith the two boys from wolves would be ok

  3. I actually think he woud be a good signing and I would like to see him here however if he going to cost 10 mil + I think there are other areas on the pitch to concentrate on. i would rather Jo than Pavucheno (Russian at spurs) as he has proved he can play in our system.

  4. I have a very different view on VDM. I concede he hasn't put the performances in that his past record would lead you to beleive he would but I think if any of us had experienced the problems he has had over his time at everton we would find it difficult.


    1. His injuries. Being injury prone is not his fault and if any of us got sickness that stopped us doing our jobs then I think that could be pretty depressing.


    2. His daughters illness. I know if my daughter was as ill as his i certanly would not fancy any sort of work and would probably think about getting hammered quite often.


    3. Moyes obvious inability to give a fit VDM a fair chance. I understand not picking him due to lack of fitness and due to off field issues but in pre-season this year he came out the blocks firing and looked pretty good right at a time when we were calling out for a winger. And then moyes stop playing him.


    I think moyes has treated him pretty badly and should have used him more this season but giving him chances in pre-season then not using him this season I think is pretty bad.



  5. I cometely aggree with Jimmy I would not play him in the final I would play cahill and fellani as they are the players that have been doing it all season.


    I can't believe there have been threads about fellani and questioning him as a good signing but this is the first one I have seen questioning Saha.


    I always thought moyes prefered young and hungry not old and knackered.

  6. I still take issue with this important goals thing. For me it's about contribution across the season first point he has only managed 16 games this season that is not enough!!!


    Second, Out of 16 games he has scored in 3 of them so his contribution has been in 3 games that for me is not enough.


    We all moaned at Yak for being lazy but I don't see what saha does now as any different to what Yak was doing when we were moaning. The difference is after a few games yak started scoring regularly and even before he got injured this season he scored I think about 4 goals.


    If you accept Saha is a cheap option who will only play a limited amount of games in a season then fine but my argument would then be we need atleast another 4 full time strikers.


    If we did have another 4 full time strikers then my argument would be saha is an expensive luxury and also stopping players like lukas getting a go.

  7. He was defo a gamble and stop saying he scored important goals. Most players who scored goals this season have been important. I only compared him to gosling as an example of what little contribution he has had. My argument isn't that he has done nothing but that he hasn't done enough. Jo has done more for the team in his short time. I wouldn't keep him next season I would let him go on a free. I bet no prem team in the top 14 would take him.

  8. Thats exactly it he has been there and done it and now he is passed it. he never looks fit.


    I said at the begining about his previous goal record which means nothing now as he needs to do it for everton full time not part time. Would we not have been better investing the wages in a loan player with a prospect of a perm move like the Zaki situation at wigan.

  9. I don't understand how you judge him as high calibre he is a striker who scores a goal every 4 starts for everton he has only managed 16 games in a full season and as I stated before he doesn't conribute much to the team like a cahill. It was obvioulsy a gamble by moyes that hasn't paid off and when you say he has scored important goals. He has only scored in 3 separate games this season. I would argue cahill arteta jo yakubu gosling fellani have all scored more important goals than him.


    I actually wonder what I must be missing for people to have such an inflated opinion of him

  10. There is not really much more to say he doesn't score enough goas he spends too much time injured and his contribution when he does play is poor.


    You can throw is Man U goal record at me and him not taking wages when he was injured but who cares if he is not delivering get rid. Gosling has scored the same amount of goals and in my opinion offers more for the team.

  11. After the FA Cup Semi we could either think ourselves lucky with the pen descision or think it was an iffy one and the ref got it right I personally think the latter however in the aftermath. Moyes is TOO honest and says it looked like a pen and Fergie goes mental both during and after the game calling into question the ref's ability.


    Fast forward 3 days and in a game at Chelsea we matched them all over the pitch and then are robbed of a blatant pen by the ref. At yet moyes doesn't go mental and doesn't complain masively after the game. I have great respect for his respectful approach but in truth don't all top managers moan for such game changing descisons. I mean the tackle on anichbe when it happened to eduardo wenger was calling for the culprit to be shot I don't think moyes even mentioned nolan.


    So I think my point is to push on further moyes needs to become less respectful and question every dubious descsion that goes against us.


    I would also argue the first goal on saturday was robbery as we should have had a pen for a foul in fellani.

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