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Posts posted by Memmaclub

  1. Although I think fellani has had his off time I actually think he causes alot of problems for teams as is shown when 5 people mark him. at a corner.


    I actually can not believe huth and the other CB were not booked/sent off yesterday they fouled him everytime he had the ball.

  2. I have a question as a top 6 club as everton are with a 40k stadium. What is our turnover each year.

    I am trying to understand what the reality of our annual transfer kitty would be. I would have thought we would have atleast 10 mil a season available for transfer fees I mean our wage bill can't be as big as the other top six

  3. Everton fans are sofickle with their players (Me included) we have very short memories and based on current form we either want to sell a player or tie them down to a massive contract. Can I point out that Yak was brilliant last season. and this season he has scored a few goals in a poor team at the begining of the season. Selling Yak would be stupid on his day he is buy har our best striker. and with vaughn and saha being out all the time. he defo should stay.

  4. I am not overjoyed by castillo but as a squad player if we get him for 1 mil he would be worth it. I also think trying to get Jo would be a must based on his debut.


    Who are the wingers we should be going for?? I like pennant as a footballer but he would be awful as a person.

  5. If he has been signed on that basis then fair enough but doesn't that show we are admitting that he will not last a full season and therefore that we will need a fulltime striker. aving a part time striker does not give us competition for places because the other stikers know he will only get in based on fitness.It also gives himsome sort of super status that he willplay when fit so if we have a player on form does saha get in te team when fit.

  6. I know Rodwell is young and has little prem experience and I should also say I love fellani and think he will be worth every penny over time.


    Howevere with the left footer being more of a priority in my eyes are people not surprised that we bought someone like fellani who lets be honest is a slightly more experienced version of rodwell. I think they are so similar it means over the next 2/3 years they will be fighting for the same place in a midfield alongside arteta.

  7. With the current squad including loan sides and no injuries. I have 3 questions?


    Who would be you first team and with what formation


    I would go 4-4-2



    Neville Jags Lescott Baines

    Osman Arteta Fellani Piernar

    Cahill Yak


    With a bench of Rodwell, Hibbert, Jo, Yobo, Gosling, Vaugn Castillo.


    Which bring me on to question 2?


    Come the summer what would be your transfer policy.


    I would sell Anchbie and Saha (Baring in mind we have 4 good stikers including cahill)


    I would use the money to keep Jo (although this is based on one game)


    I would use any additional transfer funds to buy a high quality left footed winger (I don't know who not downing).


    Which bring me to question 3.


    With all the current players in the squad retained for next season including castillo. Would you not say we have good strength in depth and the ability to spend all our money on one very good winger.



  8. Is it me or has pip learnt how to pass and play football on the ground alot better.


    We were all saying last season how he is a great right back but awful in midfield. Which I agree with. However having moved to play rightback at the start of the season he was one of the best players and he has seemlessly moved into midfield and is playing so much better with composure and class.


    He didn'tlook out of place against RS.



  9. I never understand our gameplan. We have the players in Ossie areteta baines jags to play on the ground football. A quick passing movement game but against RS with Gerrard we play long ball as soon as he went off we tried to pass it more and then when we went down to 10 men we passed it even better (obviouly) but why don't we start out in the game with a passing tactic. It was the same against chelsea

  10. I am not looking to get a loan stiker in who is going to score 20 goals between now and the end of the season but someone to cover tim if he gets injured yesterday.


    I think we Moyes has two choices neither of which he is taking play the youth he has given contracts to. or by short term replacements.


    Saha is not the answer he will never be fit for half a season

  11. By rights we should be happy to be in a relegation fight. clubs like Wigan, Fulham, Sunderland, WBA, Boro etc etc have all spent money pretty consistenly over the last few years. Bringing in the same sort of value of player as everton. They also are all probably in and around the same levels as revenue as us. So why the hell can they afford to go out and get players in this transfer window (And the last) when we are really struggling to do even the meagrist of deals. I mean over last season we broke even on transfer deals. So where does all the TV/Sponsorship/gate receits go to.


    Our expenditure (except for fellani and Yak) has been pretty equal to that of the clubs mentioned above and we probably get bigger gates than most of them.


    I am really frustrated. I mean I know moyes does well with the bargains but we never seem on the front foot. We had just got the defence and forwards on a par of what I would expect and then he sells AJ and replaces him with an injury prone has been. Not to mention that we need atleast 2 5mil-10mil midfielders/ wingers.


    What adds to this frustration is to see certain players who would undoubtably add to our team going to rival clubs for low fees/frees and loans Some examples.


    Bullard (before he went to fulham)

    Keane (before Spurs)


    Diarra (before Pompey)

    Marlon King



    I am sure there are lots more!!!

  12. If gosling feels he is either attaching mid of a right back surely his chance will be a long time coming.


    In terms of the pole I am very surprised we would spend over 1 mil on a reserve player who's game does not fit our favoured formation.


    Anyway the point of this thread was more to dicuss moyes refusal to play them.


    In terms of playing them as first choice from the start this is not my point at all but giving them 30 moinutes here and there espescially when we have injuries in there positions.


    I jsut feel the way we are handling them will not bring them on.

  13. We have spent in relative terms alot of money on players lie Gosling and The Pole. What I don't understand is moyes refusal to give them a chance in the first team. When were lacking in wingers/ wide players why didn't gosling get a run out as a sub.


    Now we are lacking up front why doesn't lukas get a go on the bench with a view to actually coming on.


    It also seems he scared of changing certain things when it affect his untouchables so to speak.


    For example Constanly playing lescott and left back when we have baines. Pesisting with mikky on corners and playing wise when he was obiously out of form. Playing cahill in a 442 when he doesn't suit it. (Don't get me wrong I think we should always play 451 to accomodate Tim.


    Getting catillo in but not persisting with him.

  14. Looking at our current squad and forgetting about injuries because we will always have those. What type of players would we need to take us to the next level.




    I personally like Howard and think he is a top worldclass keeper. I would personally like to see a young keeper bought in to challenge him a bit more as it is obvious Moyes thinks Ruddy and Turner are not up to it. Maye someone like hennesy or the other guy from wolves.




    I think Right back we are covered more than adequalty as Pip is really starting to look the part.


    Left back. Baines should be making the spot his own and in lescott and valente we have adequate cover


    Centre Back. I think we have 3 very good (on there day) CB's I would like to see a youngster brought in from the lower leagues or the reserves. Not sure if rodwell is this player.




    CM I honestly believe with the CMs at our disposal we have every type covered especially playing as Mikky is now playing central. for me he playes the creative role and cahill and fellani do the rest with castillo and rodwell and osman for cover.


    Left/Right wing I would say we only have one out and out player in this dept in Peanuts. I would like to see a decent left footer come in maybe ledley and a decent right footer someone like Kightley from wolves.


    Up front I hoestly beleive we have enough especially playing 451.



    My only other additions out of this would be to replace castillo with a perm worldclass CM and get a decent loan striker in for the rest of the season.


    Not sure on cost of all this but if it is done over the next two summers we should really kick on.

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