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Posts posted by GMONEYone

  1. I know we are all a bit doom and gloom at the moment with the way the season is going (and with good reason) but am I the only one that thinks a win against liege will kick us on to better things???

    We have players recently come back into the team ie cahill, osman etc and some good new talent ie fellaini, castillo, saha etc they are all getting their match fitness back and will get better and better after each game.

    A really good win and hopefully a CLEAN SHEET could be just what we all need (players included)


    What do you guys think?

  2. I'm going to go along with Mark on this, he might well improve and become a better player, but he doesnt look anything like a 15 million pound player.

    Remember he didnt choose his transfer fee. We were desperate and yes we definately paid over the odds for him, but lets give him some time and see him develop into the midfield powerhouse we all want(and desperately NEED) him to be.

    Personally I would have liked to see us ease him into the team over the season, but needs must and we will see as it goes on whether or not he can cut it. Needs 2 seasons though for us to make a real judgement.

  3. He wasn't awful yesterday but i agree with Mark about his positioning. If you watch him he is always drifting into the centre and leaving huge spaces down the back of the left wing. Even when he tries to make a run off the ball he will run into the centre of the park rather than going down the line.


    Too often he moves out of position and leaves us far too open because of it. He did look better on the ball and showed glimpses in his defending, but he is still so far from the player he was last year. Fuck knows whats happened to him.

    Thats the problem with playing a natural centre back as full back. Think we would be better playing - yobo RB Jagielka CB Lescott CB Baines LB. I know joseph isnt a natural full back aswell but he has pace to burn and lets be honest he would be a damn sight better than either neville or hibbert there!!!!

  4. FM hero...he is my god.


    Other FM legends that have come to the premier league are City's Jo and Kompany, but there are still a few more out there for Everton to buy:


    Vincent Enyeama - GK

    Mauro Zarate - ST (although Lazio are very interested - they have him on loan and he has just scored like 6 goals in 4 appearances)

    Hatem Ben Arfa - MF

    Stephen Sunday (Sunny) - DM

    Joseph Mattock - LB/LM

    Victor Moses - ST/AM

    Vladimír Weiss - AM

    Ben Mee - CB

    Ha Ha didnt want to admit it but thats where I discovered him to. He looks just as good in real life to!!!!

    Just done the triple with my everton team, if only FM was real life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. he appears to have all the physical attributes, and u can see the potental in his play at times.... fingers crossed

    Well said, personally he could be a quality signing for us and when he learns the language we will see the passion he is supposed to have aswell as the physicall attributes!!!!

    Come on screech!!!!

  6. I am sick of Lescott keep commenting on games and sending messages to the fans about his commitment and the teams commitment. Sayig it doesn't make it happen he needs to play better!!!

    would sooner hear players saying they are committed and want to improve than not, I know a lot is about the press office releasing these quotes but its good to hear and would hate him sulking not saying anything.

    lets rally around the boys and support them and we all know they are quality and will come through it!!!

    Only 5 games into season and fed up of all the doom and gloom with some of the comments!!!

    We are all blues and love the club!!!!!!


  7. What are the reasons do you think for the dip in form??


    Do you think he is believing his own hype?

    Dont think he seems that type of guy. Remember he has been our best player for 2 years straight, everyone has a dip in form and he will come through it as quality always does.

    Lets be honest he isnt the only one not playing to his potential and we could say it about nearly all our players so far!!!!

    Personally I would like to see baines playing on left wing and lescott left back as baines would give lescott some cover when he bombs forward.

  8. He a powerful player who seems to be able to run for ever and never gives up on a lost cause. Think he would give us something different from what we have. Would also help out in defense which would go amiss at the mo

    Anyone who could help out the defence at the moment would be great, but dont see him being able to oust the likes of pienaar, osman, arteta, cahill, fellaini etc however for £2-3mill would be a useful squad player but they asked £15m for fellaini so dont think we would get him for that.

  9. Dalmat from Standard. He's looked good against us and the Shite and would allow Arteta to move into the centre

    Agreed dalmat looked good against us and the shite but bear in mind his brother was and is rated at twice the player and he was shite at tottenham/inter.

    I just dont think he would consistently cut it in the prem!!!!

    Remember he only shone against shitty Aurelio and an out of form Lescott, people like evra and ashley cole would have him in their back pockets!!!

  10. Matias Fernandez - Villareal


    This boy is an attacking midfielder who is good with both feet ( in the silva mould - valencia).


    Arsenal supposedly been tracking for 2 years and valued at £10mill so cant be bad, if we get him would be a major transfer coup!!!!


    As for carlos vela we dont have a chance as he will be an arsenal legend in the next few years!!!!!!!



  11. Not his biggest fan if I am honest, however we could do with him right NOW as we need someone with the guts, aggression, passion and experience that he has in midfield as we miss carsley more than any of us thought we would. Add that to the undoubted quality of arteta,cahill,piennar, fellaini, osman, and castillo and that is a quality group of midfielders that will do us well for the season.

    If we get the right result today then it will kickstart our season and a clean sheet will do no end of good.


  12. If we are prepared to lose out on a player of mouts class for a few million then we are stupid!!!

    If BK is really struggling to spend the cash then I could send my missus up to Goodison to spend it for him and I promise the whole kitty would be gone in minutes!!!!

    3 hours to go and only saha on deadline day, f&%king ridiculous!!!!

  13. This kid has just signed for Rosenborg!!!!!


    Can't believe we've not been linked more strongly, and acted upon going for this kid.


    Maybe if we spent more time looking for players in positions we need to strengthen, rather than going for forwards... :(

    That would be too easy and make common sense. BK likes up being linked with players we havent got a chance signing to get us fans excited and then we end up making last minute crap desperation signings as per every season!!!!

    This transfer window is gonna be the death of me!!!!!

  14. OWEN would be a fantastic signing and would score loads of goals. I WOULD LOVE IT JUST LOVE IT if we got him!!!!

    Dream over- we could not even afford a days wage for him at the moment, regardless if he isnt happy, wants football to get back in international set up, or even if we were his dream move - he isnt gonna drop to the £50k-£60k maximum we can pay. Teams below us would even pay him twice that!!!!


  15. I think this has been possibly the most over-analytical summer we've ever had....and I'm getting fed up with how "down" everyone one is.....


    I put 1, because the fact remains that moyes will be looking for a quality signing to bring in and it won't just be us dashing to get pen to paper in the 11th hour, everybody will be doing it, because they know they have a long half season ahead before they can make any additions, should things go tits up like they have at our yard they will need back up....


    Yes, it is frustrating that Moyes has not been able to to get the quality players we wanted, and the phrase punching above our weight seems to have summed up our entire summer, but at the end of the day, are we that much worse off, bar injury, than last years team?


    If we could field our strongest team last year it would have been: Howard, Jagielka, Yobo, Lescott, Neville, Carsley, Pienaar, Arteta, Cahill, Osman, Yakubu......colour me ignorant but once everyone is off injury why can't we field this team again? Albeit with Carsely replaced by Castillo? And this was the team that got us to 5th....


    Now I can understand people getting frustrated by the fact that we were supposed to be bringing in more quality, building on a team that secured us europe places with a team that could win european competitions, and get us a higher place in the league, but at the end of the day these same players have the quality to do it again, and we've brought in cover in the form of a right back who plays internationally, an apprently world class defense mid, a striker who if fit will net us much needed goals, and a winger who looks incredibly promising and incredibly fast. As well as that, we have shown that we have talented young players desperate for experience who have potential to be very good for us.....


    Moyes is making the best out of a bad situation, and asking him to secure us players on a thin budget that we can barely afford to progress us further in the prem and europe is a tall order, considering that 5th is the highest you can get before entering tough territory, the kind where billionaires can aford to stock their teams with the most expensive world reknown players so they can look at shiny things in the cupboard.


    I think after tomorrow we should all re-evaluate our situation, and how hard it has been for moyes who throughout has done a fantastic job. Everton are a strong team going through hard times, and other clubs and managers know it, and we should have faith then when we have everyone fit we have a team that can challenge for 4th and do us proud...they did it last year and this year the top teams aren't showing that much sign of improvent.....2 of the big 4 played today, chelski drew with a team that hasn't won a game yet, and the red shite drew in possibly the most boring game of football ever imagined, and they drew against yet another team that are supposedly going to threaten, a team that lost to stoke...


    we're nervous because we think everyone else is ploughing ahead when we haven't moved, when really, nothing much has changed at all...this has been possibly the dullest transfer window in recent memory, and given that we've signed 4 players I think we should stop moaning and be happy that we support a fighting team, who on their best can rumble with anyone and come out the other side looking as strong as when they went in. Everton is the only team in the prem that has the resolve to push through when everyone seems lost, and it's evident because we have stayed in the top flight of british football longer than any other club....


    Sorry for the rant but it needed to be said, let's stop whinging and start being the proud blues we are. COME ON YOU BLUES!!!!


    I really hope you are right and I do agree with a lot of what you say. Mainly that we have kept the core of our team and when all are fully fit we are a match for anyone.

    The one thing I worry about though is that some of our key players ie cahill, pienarr etc are weeks away from a return and even longer until they are match fit. Would like to have seen some more world class players but we are not in the market for those type of players until we get more backing from the board!!!

    Right now I would even accept the signings of smith and ledley as I think we need numbers in otherwise we are going to lose too many points before we get our main players back and by then we might be to far away from mounting a serious top 6 challenge!!!!



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