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Posts posted by Sporting4ever

  1. 2 minutes of extra time... almost there


    It's over! Excelent win. Just saw the last half hour, but I saw a solid team, not just defending the lead, but looking for more. Also, I noticed a few scares at the back, hopefully moyes can correct that for the rest of the season

  2. It's really very simple...


    You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.

    Each man that's in the side that's in the field goes out and when he's out comes in and the next man goes in until he's out.

    When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in.

    When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in out.

    Sometimes, there are men still in and not out.

    There are men called umpires who stay out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out.

    Depending on the weather and the light, the umpires can also send everybody in, no matter if they're in or out.

    When both sides have been in and all the men are out (including those who are not out), then the game is finished.


    Clear now :P ?


    I don't know if you're talking about cricket or some massive gay orgy ;)

  3. I think that David Moyes is trying to build a team of talented players. Given limited funds, he wants to achieve his aim in 2 ways, namely (a) where in one way he want to acquire young talented players at a cheaper rate like Seamus Coleman and I just heard about an Under-21 Noewegian defender that may be in Everton team during the Summer (B) to purchase one highly talented young player on an annual basis like Marouane Fellaini last year and this summer, wishing to have Jose Moutinho. Just like Arteta and Cahill who has been brought to EFC at a cheaper rate, DM believes that player like Coleman being purchased at a lower rate will be a big hit to the club.


    João, not José ;)


    And by the way, you guys have been checking up on the players from Braga I mentioned some time ago? There's also lots of young talent there, and it's much cheaper, I might add. There's quite a few quality players in minor clubs (not that Braga is a minor club, simply smaller then the Big 3) over here, and they'd cost a lot less. From what I heard a few weeks back, there's been Everton envoys watching a few Braga games, so either someone reads this forum, or the club has not gone completely unnoticed ;) . Anyways, I think Everton need to correct 2 problems, the small squad, that makes every injury an extremely though problem, and a few more quality players, to, if nothing else, allow for a better squad management, so as not to burn the players. Remember, next season the UEFA will be like the Chamions League, so there's a lot more games to played. Everton cannot afford to have such a small squad, if you hope to progress as much as possible in every single competition.

  4. you know, I know how it's played, a flat bat, a ball, 3 big sticks and a little one, but I still have no idea of what anybody is saying when I hear/read about cricket...


    I've managed, over the years, to figure out baseball, rugby, ARR (American Rules Rugby, aka football ;) ), even curling, but I still have no clue whatsoever about cricket when people talk about it...

  5. Agreed - and as a Canadian, I'm both proud of the fact that good coffee is available all over this country, and saddened by the fact that Starbucks is all over the place and, as a result, some really great coffee shops have closed, unable to compete for some reason that totally escapes me. When I travel to US on business, I ensure my room has a coffee machine, and I take my own coffee.



    I honestly don't get it... I get more caffeine out of our expressos (although we don't call 'em that) than i get from one of them large cups at starbucks. Even their damned expressos taste like... well, not coffee ;)

  6. I am an international football player who scored 10 goals in my native country before being signed by a top Premiership club, but I only scored once after my arrival. I was then sold to another European club where I failed to score, although I did score for my country during this spell. I was then purchased by a different Premiership club where I only scored once. I was then sold to a third English club where I failed to score. I am regarded as one of the greatest players of all time.

    Who am I. ?


    you know, he might not have scored, but we won the championship and the national cup.


    Great keeper, but boy, did he let in some strange ones... And kept his defenders always in place, yelling all the time. No wonder, who'd want a pissed off Great Dane like that coming at you? ;)

  7. I love this guy, Remi Gaillard

    I nearly always get tears in my eyes laughing :D






    yeah, he's awesome. that football one has great scenes, some I hadn't seen, he has another one, with more stuff, really amazing:


    Plus, AC/DC soundtrack :D

  8. They're not feeder clubs, in that regard, altough protocols may exist with some, but those aren't specific to these clubs.


    These are actual clubs, in our case, with the name Sporting in it, and that have requested to be a part of the Sporting family. Currently there's 186 of them, not only in Portugal, but also in countries like Canada, France, South Africa, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Brazil, even a couple in England ;)


    Nº 141

    Sporting Academics Futebol Club

    Coridand - Green Road

    St. Clement - Jersey

    JE2 6QA - UK - Great Britain

    founded: 30/06/1973


    Nº 162

    Sporting Clube de Londres

    27 Elkstone Road - London

    W10 5NP Ingland

    founded: 15/05/1986

  9. Japanese gameshows...


    And Engineer's dog


    Self explanatory, really...



    This in'st a funny clip per se, but it's still pretty entertaining. Last 25, 30 minutes of last year's Cup Semi Final match against benfica, Sporting are down 0-2 at that time. Watch the video to see the outcome ;)

  10. just curious, do english clubs have what we call here in Portugal "filiais"?


    Translates to something branches.


    Meaning a corporation has branches in other places, but they're not really like branches they're independent clubs, they just asked to used the name, and have a connection with the main club. Sorta like a franchise.


    Do you guys have that?

  11. Of course they're not fans of hammy.


    It's spain, Home turf for Alonzo. It's not about racism, it's about him vs. alonzo, plain and simple.


    As for the insults, well it's idiotic, really, but it's the product of a society with a lot of foreign immigrants. There's that in practically all of europe, england with the pakistanis, portugal with brazilians and africans, spain with north africans, france with pretty much everything, germany with the turkish, etc.



    I myself am not a hammilton fan, but it's got nothing to do with race or nacionality. My 2nd favorite driver was Mansel (Senna was and always will be GOD ;) ), it's simply that I don't like him. I think he's a conceited, arrogant SOB. Much like Schumaker was, I didn't like him either. I'm not saying he's not a good driver, he is, but there's more to it than that. There's champions, and then there's Champions. And, for example, while schumaker won more championships than anyone else, he's not in the same league as Fangio, Senna, Prost, Mansel, Piquet, both the Hills (Graham and Damon) and Fittipaldi.


    All these, to me, while not simply great champions, were great men, trully inspiring. I didn't see that in schummy, and i don't see it in hammy either.

  12. I think it's OK as long as people respect each other's views and it doesn't start to get abusive. We have a fairly good record on here in that respect, and someone tends to cut in with the "agree to differ" clause if things look like getting silly.


    The exception to this rule is, of course, anyone who disagrees with me. They are then obviously plainly deserving of limitless derision and ridicule :D .



    Well, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna get abusive. Any mail that starts with the words "Dear Starbucks, I really like your coffee" are clearly from people that

    A- Don't know what coffee is;

    B- Have lost all sense of taste.


    If there's any yanks around, can you please answer me one question?

    Do you have any class in school that teaches you how to ruin coffee grounds?


    Because quite frankly, of all the times I've been to the US, I've never drunk a decent cup of coffee. So i'm wondering if it's something you learn over there... It's the same in those breakfast dinners, Starbucks, McDonalds, etc.


    Any ideas?

  13. You'll need a good CV....I fear there will be stiff competition B) .


    The real question is how long can the sitff competition last...


    But I can see myself with a decent daily average ;)



    It doesn't say if the virgins are female :o Let me know how it works out :lol:


    I can't imagine why a dude would need "that" virginity taken out before marrying... ;)

  14. I don't mean this in a negative way but isn't this guy another Pienaar?


    i.e. small, tidy & hard working.


    Don't we have enough tidy, midget gems?


    We need pace!


    Don't know a lot about Moutinho so could be talking out of sorts.


    Well, there's a few things I can tell you about him. Yes, he's a bit on the short side, but he doesn't turn away from a dispute, he's very hard-working, running the entire lengh of the field for the entire 90 minutes. He's not a sprinter, no, but he isn't slow either, he has speed, good ball control, and good vision. He's very good at passing, especially through balls for fast attackers, but there's one thing he has that, to me, define him:

    -He has the highest stamina and (quite possbily) the thoughest hide I've ever seen in a player. He goes the whole 90 minutes, EVERY SINGLE GAME. Last season, he played 57 games for Sporting, plus the Portugal games. I've seen him take a shit load of beatings, and he hasn't had even a minor injury, let alone a major one. Seeing Everton's luck in the fitness department this season, I think you can see the beneficts of having a player like him, that's always match fit.

    Also, he's good at defending, has good positioning, so he recovers a lot of balls, but seldom gets booked. Just to give you the picture, he's on his 4th yellow of the season, and last year, he didn't miss any matches because of suspensions.


    The thing is, things might be very different come this summer. porto and benfica are clearly underperforming, and, if we were playing like we should, we'd be top of the league by now with a confortable margin. as it is, I don't even know if we can win it. I do know that an election is coming, and who knows what will happen after a new president is elected.

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