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Posts posted by john_webby

  1. dont get me wrong i dont like the situation but.....


    with bringin stubbs in on the cheap we get a player we know all about and the players know how to play with so will not need to settle in and gives us a chance to have a look around for the summer to bring a quality young defender in


    also it frees up the money to spend on a really good striker so i don't see it as bad as first thought

  2. sorry but again people are crying for DM's head did no one see we did out play them in about the 1st 20 mins????????????


    we should have beat them 4-0




    you can only work with what you have


    imagine if DM had a roman we all know he would have better players than we have now


    sorry but we all know the financial situation he was brought into and still has


    and i must must admit as as pissed off as everyone we got shafted today but there is one thing that sets us apart from most other teams


    we really believe IN THE TEAM


    yes the TEAM at the moment we don't have adriano we dont have shevcheco we dont have beckham we dont have kaka





    whether it ferguson wenger


    i know who i'm behind and i know who i'll be singing for in the glads week in week out until he is sacked.......


    but today all i can blame is the players he put the team out that should have beat bolton and we all know it but they didn't perform not DM


    so sorry but shut up and blame who is really at fault the 11 that was on the pitch today and if any has a prob with DM argue it with me


    ps i'm not DM i'm not related and i'm just pissed with people slaging him off when he puts a decent formation out and they dont perform not him


    sorry about the rant just a bit pissed off by 2 amny of my friends include who are slagging him off

  3. i think its going to be a 4-3 or something stupid we haven't seen a good high scoring game for ages and think it will be today god knows who will get them but just got that feeling (ps dont class wba game as high scoring coz we never)

  4. if anyone lives near aigburth theres a boozer on ullet road called the inglenook that has about 5 different channels that show games at 3.00 on a saturday afternoon thats were i get to watch all the games i cant get to and will be there today as can't get to ewood but come on you blues

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