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Posts posted by john_webby

  1. i have already made my opion clear about bringing roy in yes on a short term but if he cant play till jan then would be no point don't think he's out for that long but would welcome him just to give us another edge with a few irish links and neville easy access as wouldn't have to move think he may go for it


    but we will see............

  2. couldn't make it on sunday bought didn't look to bad on MOTD


    must admit from what i did see they looked like they played well together


    like mcfadden having a few decent shots from outside the box which i think we have to do a little more as we have made some great approach play all year but we haven't got that poacher in the box (yet)


    have always said we have played mcfadden out of position as he is tricky but for me still not a winger needs to get a good run of games and we may see the best of him yet


    but we still need another one or two more strikers and at least one in the transfer window whoever might that be



    i'd have him until the end of the season he had years under AF without screaming his mouth of


    i believe we need some players with character to fire the team up and think he would free up the space for neville to move to left back until nuno is back the possibly move to right back after that


    think he is far better than carsley who i still is a decent player dont get me wrong short term contract until end of the season he could do that much damage and then if he is inspirational offer him another deal we can't really lose and DM wont bring him in if he does think he can handle him


    neck on the block


    i'll take him and would rather have him than some of the other teams pick him up

  4. playing under my alter ego on all the footy manager games, under the name of jonnas webbas the part time porn star/Everton manager


    i'm 17th at the moment with BT and delgado (17 games 11 goals) not doin to bad


    midfield wihelmson in left mid or upfront as top quality striker as well with VDM on the right


    brought in glen Johnson at right back but hitting form after beating arsenal 5-4 on a unbeaten 4 games (2 wins 2 draws)


    but can't put it down


    fm rocks

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