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Posts posted by efcgenius

  1. I cant believe people here are saying Assnal are gonna win, come on guys ffs have you seen how they are playing this season


    Cardiff - Assnal 0-0

    Burnley - Assnal 2-0

    Man City - Assnal 3-0

    Stoke - Assnal 2-1

    Assnal - Tottenahm 4-4 would have lost if played away defo

    Sunderland - Assnal 1-1 bitch slapped us 3-1 in our ground off the back of this draw

    Assnal - Hull 1-2

    Fulham - Assnal 1-0


    Fact is there a bag of shite this season, and we play them in our ground. We should be confident enough from the 2 Lpool games to come out strong


    Easy win for us, defo

  2. This is an issue that I see almost everyday, I have been working in IT for about 7 years and this is simply Windows way of telling you its time for a re-install. The fact you have very small amount of memory should not cause any problems, it will just be slower than any other PC that has more memory than you


    No amount of spybot seach and destroy or reg cleaner or disk clean-up or any other software download that claims to make your pc run faster will actually make any difference.


    1573 Problem(s) found - This is so you buy the software, dont be fooled!!!!!!!


    If you want your PC / Laptop to run like it did on 1st day when you got it out of the box, Re-install Windows


    Hope that helps



  3. Can't say I'm looking beyond the Liverpool clash at the moment .





    Beating Liverpool at our ground will be tough enough, our home form this season has been the worst in the prem, we would need to shake that off and quick


    I think we CAN beat them all depends on team selection, Cahill upfront for defo same defence as last night Liverpool couldnt brwak us down so repeat performance should go in our favour

  4. You could go on a guided tour of the Byker Grove set and meet all of the old cast, then at the end of the day be in a massive group photo, would look sweet at home on your mantlepeice


    Sounds like av dont it, lol


    Never been to Newcastle in my life, ive never heard of anythin famous being in Newcastle so I guess it wont look that different to home


    Have fun!!

  5. Hi


    Following a recent comment on another thread regarding chants being muted for TV purpose, I would like to know what people sing. Being a single earner supporting 3 kids under 5 means I cant possibly afford a season ticket. Unless of course I get them adopted :D


    However funny or insulting please post your chants





  6. I personaly object to any chants that cross the line with regards to small children being present


    Me and my 2 boys will be getting season tickets in about 3 years as the oldest has only just turned 4 and I will certainly not be letting him join in with all the swearing and whatever nasty comments are being said


    They learn enough swearing in school off other kids without witnessing it themselves from grown up adults


    Not to be a kill-joy in the slightest, whatever pisses the other team off and makes it harder for them to score am all for, but sometimes they do go above and beyond what the majority would call acceptible


    My 2 pence worth :D

  7. We should be more concerend about the prem game against liverpool, hate to be a pessimist (spl?) but can you actually see us winning the FA cup this season, we need to be consistently finishing as high up as possible in the table every season if we are to attract the best players to our club. If any of the top 4 teams go for the same player as us in the transfer window who do you think hes gonna choose


    This is a very good time for us, we have never been stronger and we are sitting in a very good pos to challenge that 4th spot arsnel have given up, with fellaini out on both games I would be satisfied with winning just 1

  8. erm..not quite


    I live in an unsavoury part of town, I wouldnt put it past any red shite fan to put a big long scratch down my car because we bitch slapped em in their own ground on derby day, i've even got one of those EFC teddy mascotts that would look sweet on my dash, but I love my car too much, and yes its blue, all my cars have been and always will be, I draw the line at illuminous yellow though :D

  9. If you need to raise more cash for anything else, why not sell ToffeeTalk t-shirts, mugs etc.... add a few quid on top of manufacturing cost and that should bring in some cash to put aside for a rainy day, competition to win a match ticket thats another idea


    Just a thought


    Put me down for coffee mug if you take up the idea

  10. I reckon moyes cracked the whip and got everyone into shape, knowing how hard January is going to be he has managed to get us into 6th spot, allowing for a bad month will keep us in the top ten maybe.


    Hull - 2 all draw last time, was very lucky for us to get 2 towards the end, maybe Neville should win this one for us ;) defo a win


    Liverpool - They bitch slapped us in our own ground last time winning 2 nil, keep up our form and maybe Gerard will be locked up by then for assault :D likely draw


    Arsenal - if we keep our run of form this will be enough to win, not playing like a top 4 club so theres a free spot if we want it, defo a win


    Man Utd - Park the team bus infront of our goal i feel, exactly what Stoke done to Liverpool, that made me laugh :D, hopefully a draw


    6 points in total for these 4


    The difference between what I would like and what I think will actually happen is only 2 points, 8 points for my prefered results, 6 points for my realistic results. Sorry that werent spelt out for you, numpty my ass :P

  11. I reckon moyes cracked the whip and got everyone into shape, knowing how hard January is going to be he has managed to get us into 6th spot, allowing for a bad month will keep us in the top ten maybe.


    Hull - 2 all draw last time, was very lucky for us to get 2 towards the end, maybe Neville should win this one for us ;) defo a win


    Liverpool - They bitch slapped us in our own ground last time winning 2 nil, keep up our form and maybe Gerard will be locked up by then for assault :D likely draw


    Arsenal - if we keep our run of form this will be enough to win, not playing like a top 4 club so theres a free spot if we want it, defo a win


    Man Utd - Park the team bus infront of our goal i feel, exactly what Stoke done to Liverpool, that made me laugh :D, hopefully a draw


    6 points in total for these 4

  12. Please feel free to slap me upside the head if it is



    Q. On BBC football prem table, it always show dotted lines above and below 5th spot, does anyone know why?


    Relegation zone is an obvious one and also top 4 being in the champions league, but why is there one below 5th spot



    PS. Hope you all had a good Christmas

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