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Everything posted by xsaint

  1. Good luck to him....liked him when he was with us at that time..he was one of the better players in our team those days!
  2. Sorry to disappoint.... refer to http://www.evertonfc.com/news/what-the-pap...st-january.html "Everton have effectively accused the Premier league of double standards after it continued to block the transfer of Manuel Fernandes from Benfica on the grounds that the player was to be joint - owned. ".... How pleasing it can get now? Wish the post is not true!
  3. refer to http://www.evertonfc.com/news/what-the-pap...st-january.html "Everton have effectively accused the Premier league of double standards after it continued to block the transfer of Manuel Fernandes from Benfica on the grounds that the player was to be joint - owned. ".... How pleasing it can get now?
  4. For this transfer i suppose the justification is gonna be...we released two players and we replaced with Fernades(loan) and we signed De Silva.....he the board will say "wanted this player and that player,but the price they are asking was crazy and not many right players we available and we are not prepared to pay crazy prices for these players!".... I hope i am wrong and we signed more than two of course!
  5. sissoko ? Who sissoko ? where he plays? lol...who cares about sissoko now...thank god we did not get him!
  6. All i am saying is we need moral values...i am not saying only religion preaches it.... and in no way a man can murder (hangs) another man in the name of law.... Definitly the beliefs,the up bringings, the society and definityly how the media and politicians play a big part in brainwashing us.A repeated lie on media makes most to believe it is a truth........ We need to build morale values and also from human point of view, we should not support any politicians (no matter how good his lies are) who uses his power to kill innocents.... We just dont see the point do we? for example, an individual in USA kills his neighbour den he has committed crime....But a politician lied to his ppl (G Bush), goes to war till today and in the process his action killed 800,000 and how come we never call him murderer/evil? we will never do so because they fabricated the story beautifully, the use religion as a issue, they make most of us in west who are non mulims and no idea what islam really is to believe that muslims=terror.Since we are non muslms, we support these actions of killing...we could have lost our morale values....wake up ppl.... its time to remove these Politicians who kills millions ...power is a cycle...what has ha[[ened to them could happen to us in near future...wake up!
  7. Capital Punishment should be abolished!!! Not all convicted or muderers did murder someone and not all those out among us are innocents. At times the wittyness of a lawyer can make a guilty innocent and an innocent guilty... You,me,the court judges are in no position to judge a person to be guilty or innocent and let lone capital punishments...for the truth only God knows.... The solution? get back to basics..the education...the moral value....equal rights for black/white/colored/man/woman...reduce the gap btween rich and poor...employment for all..bread and butter in everyone's plate....mutual respect for all....In all go back to your religion.No religion preaches crime,,,Christianity,Islam,Judism....all preaces peace for mankind.Now some will say Islam preacches terror but in reality the religion does not but the media and your politicians made you believe so. Learn it, explore the hly books with open mind, adopt it, follow it.If anyone the above mentioned basic needs are broken,thats when men manipulates his religion and thats when politicians fool the society by inducing religious tensions....before you accuse look at urself...are you perfect? if you are not, then you are in no position to Judge another....nor are you in a position to take the life of another....Everyone deserves chances to repent..... PEACE FOR ALL
  8. For those who wanted youtube link to watch his video...here it is... 7XY9iE55_08 Of for his entire video, you may go here.... http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...p;search=Search
  9. Seems he was hell lots of pain...wish he gets well soon...and hopefully not out for too long!
  10. yep heard it was 8/10....assuming 50% (4 games) of those has cost us winning the game, the it would be 4X3=12 points.If only we had that 12 points, then our current standing would have been 32+12= 44 points.That would have placed us on 4th spot with 23 games played! Sigh!!! What a fick does these refress who sucks on "Johnson Diver" propaganda machine have to say now? Shame on the ref!! ..bias shites!
  11. Source: http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=4...natch+Fernandes
  12. Lets all hope they show the story like how they scambled to print that Jhonson was a diver!
  13. Did David Moyes Read This Thread??.....Seem EvertonFC compiled a video after all!! http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/hack...ly-treated.html
  14. Thank you David W!!!.... When u were at ur peak with us,there was Man Utd lurking around for you, a slightest hint from you would have made you a ManUtd player but you chose to be an Evertonian.In a world where footballers run after big $$$. You have my best wishes and respect,,,,salute!~
  15. Simply, we were not able to CREATE chances...primary reason i would say -> ARTEA was not playing....that is a sad truth....this show we are over relying on one creative midfielder..It is definite that we need to buy a Creative midfielder who can create sparks,who can give those spilting passes....else we will end up pushing the ball around or pumping the ball up and hoping the opposite defence makes an error (like that day) so that we can score one pathetic goal! Moyes!! go and get us a creatve midfielder!!!!! arrrrggghhh!!!
  16. Wide players and definitely a creative midfield player please....We look brain dead if Arteta is not playing or if he is not playing well that day....To have someone who can provide defence splitting passes is a definite must!!
  17. Thank you mate for all your attempts..we appreciate it.....cheers!
  18. That is a good idea...but i doubt EvertonFC is gonna do it.Unless someone here who can get the videos and knows how to do it, and he/she does it and post it in youtube and google video and also spread the links around!
  19. I wonder if he did...and did it make a difference? i doubt...if we create and post it on the net, at least we can clarify that Johnson is not a diver and we have been short changed many times.Hopefully all these wrong decisions will put the referee commitee to shame!
  20. Hahaha....he seems like a honest chap who is not trained in manipulative speeches! lol
  21. The referee have cost us the game yet again,,,,seems this is happening for too long and the lame referees failed to admit their mistakes! So what are we gonna do about this? Refer to the link below... http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?showtopic=4005 Do u think its a good idea?> any takers??????
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