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Posts posted by inertia8

  1. No I'm not a kopite, his name is Sotirios, shortened it to Soti... I suppose I could refer to him as the dirty hairy greek bastard if that makes you happier? I'll edit the offensive posts..


    I guess being all the way down in Australia lessens the blow of a derby defeat to the shite... I don't have to put up with neighbours and workmates giving me shit.. there was one bloke but he was fired about a year back.. still hurts though ;)

  2. Can see a replay of it here. Though this angle shows the stepping on dirty hairy greek bastard's ankle more than Fellaini's ankle being caught, it looks like his left foot was caught by dirty hairy greek bastards's right foot. The injury is the right ankle I believe, given the way Felli was clutching it after the tackle.


    I still cannot clearly see where the injury has occured from these clips, does anyone have any other angles?




    As a side note, when Fellaini supposedly kicked Kuyt in the face you can see that it was the ball that skimmed his left cheek.. still looked slightly dirty play by Mo, but it all happened so fast and he's entitled to try and get the ball down field asap I suppose.

  3. I'll revise that, from the angles that i have recorded, I cannot see Felli's right ankle being over extended etc. Anyone got a high quality feed or different angle.. certainly the replay at slow motion makes felli look somewhat guilty, the replay at normal speed from the broadcast down angle is harder to read.

  4. Having looked at the replays tonight.


    Pienaar, should have had a straight red for the potential leg-breaker.


    Fellaini, appears to stomp on dirty hairy greek bastard's calf.. perhaps a red card as well, atleast a yellow. I honestly don't know why he was injured in the clash, I cannot see anything to have caused a major leg injury, other than rolling his ankle upon landing on dirty hairy greek bastard's calf!!


    There was also an incident in our penalty area where Fellaini seems have gotten away with pushing a red over.


    Perhaps Carragher's tackle on Pienaar set the tone for our players and the game spiraled from that... the ref should have asserted himself strongly early on, instead we ended up with a game that was pure shite.



    Edited for clarity: FYI Soti is just shortening the greek's first name (Sotirios)...

  5. Indeed, they deserved to win by more than 1 perhaps.


    Shocking performance, some aweful tackles that made me cringe, I too think Peanuts should have been off earlier... his yellow card took him out of the game and then he gifted the ref an opportunity to give him another and even up the card tally.


    I have no idea what's wrong with Fellaini, I couldn't really pick an injury out from the replay, maybe he'd have been murdered by the liverpool fans after the game if he continued to play so they sent him out in an ambulance? :lol:


    I too would have left Arteta off until near the end, and what's with putting Vic on?? I would have subbed peanuts/donovan for billy, who surely must have a desire to prove a point now that he's been off for 2 games, would have saved peanuts from getting carded which was odds on.


    Anyway, typical derby... go in with high hopes, then let down... i should just fucking go to bed and read the result/watch replay.

  6. I know Fellaini landed on the greek bloke's leg, whether it was deliberately so I'm unsure.. upon replay I thought Fellaini was going to ged a Red, perhaps the ref decided Fellaini was going over the ball to protect himself?

  7. Same :lol: .



    Let me try, I've seen special 1 tv and listened to Dave rave on about Ameobi heaps.




    "if he can score against untid and spurs he good another"


    "If he (beckford) can score against United and Spurs... he could score against another team"


    I'm still not happy with that translation.

  8. I can't watch a game that's not live unless it was a thriller... i'll generally get the score then watch with a finger caressing the fast forward button.


    I choose the wake up, or stay up. 4:45 isn't that hard, as long as you don't have kids or a significant other you're golden!

  9. It wasn't live on TV here :(.


    So I bit the bullet and subscribed to evertonTV, figured it'd be handy over the coming year and the AUD-GBP is good atm.. so I laid in bed and listened to their radio stream, the game offered little excitement and so inevitably I dozed off into a stupor... when the commentator screamed Cahill it woke me up with a start, my heart went beserk lol.


    The commentator said Senderos had put in a class performance and was motm contention.


    Interesting that on EvertonTV the microphones don't turn off at half time and you hear the commentator fiddling about with papers, calling to studio and generally making noises that you feel you shouldn't be hearing!


    A delayed telecast of the game will air here in a few hours and I'm going to watch it tomorrow evening.. well, in truth i'll have the fast forward button pegged..

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