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Posts posted by inertia8

  1. I gave it to Cahill, even though I sulked off to bed early and missed the last 20mins.. Pienaar was a close 2nd.


    Happy that Arteta gets a forced 3 week break, not happy that it happened in the 59th minute... if he's going to act all hot headed then he could atleast save his revenge until the final 5-10mins or something.


    I'm not going to bother with watching the highlights package this week..


    Next match will either see a galvanized Everton take on Chelski, or we'll get slaughtered.. hopefully not something like 9-0 though.. :o

  2. I was tempted to call it a night at 0-2 down... given it was already 2:30am... held on until 1-3.. got myself an extra 20mins sleep telling myself I'd wake up and see 3-3 or something in the morning..


    To me, this is far more embarrassing than the season opener against Arsenal last season...

  3. I thought he was good on the ball a few games back when I saw him.. I bet Saha starts again.. perhaps Yak has a knock?


    I'd like to see Bily given a go as I thought he was sharper in his last game..


    I'm pegging this as a tough game, hoping we edge it 2-1 or 2-0. A late Everton goal (final 10mins).

  4. but we are? and chucking money at players who haven't earnt it when there is a player who is playin his balls off who still needs a new contract is a fuckin joke..pienaar may have made his mind up already and fair enough if so..but that doesn't mean we lob money at a fan favourite just to try and make us feel better..distin is far better than him at the moment and i would drop jags before distin


    Do we know what's been offered to Pienaar? Parity with Arteta? Which we believe is what? 75k?


    All we're told is he's been provided with a good offer and who knows what that is!


    Don't have a problem with Jags being offered an extension, though it makes a mockery of signing 5yr deals when you're renegotiating after 18-24months...

  5. Mine's in the bottom of the laundry basket...and I've been wearing it for all games since Liverpool also :( .


    I'll stick with the blue for now....and maybe go digging for it if we need a goal later :D .


    Wear the 3rd... I'm sure no one will notice if it smells a bit ;).


    Mind you, given most wear the shirt over the top of a T-shirt they get good mileage between washes :P.


    I'm predicting 3-2 to us.


    Yak, Cahill, Bily for us.


    Chamakh and Song for the Goons.

  6. He's been given fuck all time of late, but in my opinion he's looking much fitter, yes he gets pushed off the ball, other plays have had that issue too but with bulking up should come good.


    He looked puffed in the first season after 30mins, atleast he looked ok yesterday with the fitness aspect.


    He needs to be trained to shoot/cross/pass instinctively with the right foot, too many times yesterday he wanted to always get it on the left... I too think he needs to be moved more centrally, behind and to the right of the striker.

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