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Posts posted by inertia8

  1. I'm personally waiting for it to drop in price... I want to grab the home shirt as well.. still need clarification of the feckin badges ;).


    Anyone else noticed that the number of "vouchers"/"special offers" from Everton Direct has fallen to fuck-all? not even a birthday voucher like last year... :huh:

  2. Maybe the fans need to create big Yak supporting banners or some shit, surely he'll start finding the back of the net soon?? thank christ we didn't sell him to West Ham because we'd likely not have fielded a replacement in time, not that I think we'd get a replacement for the selling price of Yak..

  3. A couple of times I saw yakubu take the ball and run like no other player, the transition from first touch to 'on the move' was a very welcome sight.. I also think the team is missing the confidence to drill at goal, if you look at Bily's wonder goals, they all seem like reflex goals, the one against Man Utd and Portsmouth, both rockets from almost nothing.. we need other players to believe they can do that.. I want to see Bily get more game time, I cannot see him improving leaps and bounds without it.. give him the final 25mins or so, whatever.. same with Yak, keep him on the pitch.


    What hurts a lot is looking at how shite liverpool have been and we've not been able to take advantage of it!

  4. Welcome to the forum, it's the best of it's kind imho.


    I too would like to see action, I don't think Moyes would resign but who knows... it's not like he's been given a large budget and then failed..


    Maybe unrest from Pienaar and perhaps something to do with Gosling's exit??? even so, it should affect performances...


    I'd like to see Johnny in place of Distin next match, if not then Johnny benched... we need to play Bily, he's not going to miraculously start pulling performances out of his arse without lots of game time to increase confidence... to me he seemed a lot thinner in the face when he came on against Newcastle, hopefully that means he's trying hard to increase his fitness.. Can we see Magaye subbed on this weekend??? 2 strikers???? Be interested to see if we bring anyone in this January...

  5. I'm not sure who I'd want... do we really think if Jose Mourinho suddenly decided he'd like a challenge and we got him... that he'd be able to work a cup win or title on our budget???


    Personally I think yes, but it's besides the point, not many others could...


    I'm happy with Moyes, will reserve judgement till Christmas, where a turn around might save us if in doubt.. however I still think we'll pull a 7-10 finish..

  6. Can anyone honestly say that this is a huge surprise though?


    I was going to wait up for it, or wake up early 4:30am I think for the match to listen on radio, in the end I didn't bother as it's a cup game that shouldn't mean much.. still it's utterly shite that we put out a team with many of our 1st team and get beaten... surely for morale it'd be better to put out all the reserves and the less-fit 1st team players like Yak and Bily..


    We are Everton and I cannot see us being relegated... the Shite are laughing at us now but I'm confident Blue will finish above Red this season.. I'm even thinking of taking the 300-1 odds that the Reds will be relegated, hopefully Portsmouth style with Torres and Reina leaving in January and Gerrard off to spain with an illegitimate love child of some sort :lol:

  7. Moyes - "I take responsibility, it's my team. I will never duck that. We have to get back and regroup and start again."


    That's a bit more like it... looking at the games coming up I think we'll be firmly in the shit for a while and do our usual mid-season surge..

  8. It's Everton, we always start off slowly... which is a damned shame!


    Should Moyes go? No thank you, he'll get them playing right soon enough... something must account for the CBF attitude that the team exuded yesterday, damned disgrace putting in a shift like that considering their wages!

  9. My MOTM today was Distin.. which really surprises me or shows just how bad the rest were. Coleman and Yak get mentions too... was happy with Hibbo and couldn't believe he was subbed and Johnny and Felli left on..


    Can't believe Felli missed that final chance, though then again I can..


    TBH I can't see us winning at Fulham but I'll keep optimistic!

  10. Well I think I'll certainly be picking up one of these and the home shirt... would love a home shirt with no premier league badges at all, not sure if that's possible.. last time I selected no badges and got shitty small ones which look awefull :rolleyes:


    i was waiting for a "happy birthday" discount code via e-mail as per last year but the bastards are really stingy this year and all I've received is nothing.. last year it was 5p/10p vouchers galore... perhaps it's linked with our activity in the transfer window!

  11. As far as I can tell, I've lost the ability to download clips, lost the ability to change connection quality, because it's now automatic..


    Seriously, it's never been good enough for streaming.. I've got a 30mbit cable connection here in Aus and it's pretty fast for almost everything...


    It could well be that the network path from evertonTV to my ISP in Aus has a shite link letting it down..


    What I'd like is for someone who's been able to view the high quality stuff in the past to confirm if the silverlight product can indeed provide that same high quality.

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