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Everything posted by Jonas

  1. The swedish papers says that the highest bid for Elm comes from Heerenven. 2 milion pound. If that´s true i do hope he will stay in Kalmar.
  2. One of you did comment on his big brothers blog and thats good. I really think it can make a difference. I´,m a Kalmar fan and i don´t want Rasmus to leave at all off course. At the same time i know he will so it just a matter of where. Kalmar is a low budget club with dedicated players and a fantastic coach. Some how i can see similarities with Everton. Kalmar won last year and it was amazing, memories to keep.
  3. I think it´s a 50-50 between Bayern Leverkusen and Everton. Rudi Völler were in Sweden during the friendly match between Sweden and Finland (Sorry LexKing but we won again:-). Rasmus didn´t play because a light footproblem but no doubt they had at sitdown. Now he went to Germany to get a feeling for the club. It seems they work very hard for the signature but i still think he rank you guys very high. Why not send a message thru his big brothers blog: http://www.barometern.se/blogg/elmbloggen/
  4. It´s my cousins 3 kids, not my brothers as i said earlier. Freudian slip there:-) His 2 brother Viktor and David are very good. Middle brother Viktor is playing midfielder in Eerste divison Heerenveen. He is in the swedish national team as well. Great potential. Left Kalmar half a year ago as Bosman:-( Big brother David is playing target forward in Kalmar. To few goals but very many assists. Very important for Kalmar. We hope he will sign a new contract for Kalmar (He has only 6 month left) But the star is littlebrother Rasmus. He signed a new contract with Kalmar just a few months ago. He knew he could go as Bosman in December but signed anyway. He could have put all the money in his own pocket but didn´t. Thats why i believe you are in Pole position, and that´s why the fans in Kalmar wish him the best.
  5. The hype doesn´t become him at all. The newspapers are full of rumors here and everyone want to know when and where Rasmus will take the next step in his career. Elm answer them friendly that he doesn't focus on where to play football. He focus on his training, and to become a better player. Off course he´s thinking of his alternatives and he has plenty. But this kid is smarter than most. I´m convinced that Everton is in pole position. If you click on my thumbnail you see a picture of Rasmus and my brothers 3 kids. It was taken 3 weeks ago after another victory for my beloved Kalmar. Rasmus stayed 30 minutes after the game to sign autographs. And an extra 5 just for us because i couldn´t get my fxxxxxing iPhone to take a photo. But he waited, and waited. No hurry he said with a smile. He´s a good lad that one.
  6. Almost all swedish fotballjournalists states that this is the most talented player in Sweden sins Zlatan and compare him with Fredrik Ljungberg. What surprise everyone here is that he acts so cool and mature ( He is only 21) both on the pitch and in private. He wont choose a club for money. Many player says that but in this case I'm convinced it´s true. I think and hope Elm will sign up for Everton. I think he want´s a coach that can make him perform better every year and I believe he sees that in Moyes. I also think he wants a fair chance to be one of the eleven to start the games. That could be a problem in Bayern München, Valencia or Manchester City. Off course I want Rasmus to stay in Kalmar and help us win our second swedish title in a row, but thats pretty naive. He ´s more than ready for new challenges. If you du manage to sign hem you are to congratulate. His value will rise like a rocket and it´s going to be thrilling to follow him moving forward in his progress. If he climbs all the way to his potential he is going to be one of the best. Excuse me for my school english. I never liked school that much:-) Regards/Jonas
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