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Status Updates posted by Matt

  1. looking forward to winter, had enough of all this heat!

  2. looking forward to winter, had enough of all this hear!

  3. 10,000 posts in 4 years...

  4. will find out tomorrow! I wanted to be there to be honest. Fever is going not getting worse, which I would bloody well hope so considering ive been in bed for 3 days!

  5. not good mate but fever finally broke. Missed a big meeting today too, hope its all going to be ok when i get back tomorrow! Hows you?

  6. 5 stars? Bit late there Ten, I did that aaages ago! cant get to facebook at work, but you can find me; matt mirra unwin.

    Take it easy dude. Id chat more but work is busy! Clean up your inbox so you can receive PMs!

  7. its become a home away from home mate, especially with all the travelling!

  8. is extremely frustrated at work...

    1. Lowensda


      ....have a wank.

  9. couldnt give to shiny poos about the wedding mate, im not even close to patriotic. Work is a bitch but im off now to play my 1st game since breaking my foot in the torrential Geneve rain! Hows things with you, settled a bit yet?

  10. cheers dude! hows the house working out?

  11. Oh, and the Top Gear crew were at the same place as the reception!

  12. hey mate, stuck this in the shoutbox before:

    awesome dude. even in monsoon season, we only had 2 days of rain, and it was ballistic rain, like you see on the news during hurricanes! Rest of the time was glorious, best money i ever spent. Nightmare flight back though, never had that kind of turbulence, i was shaking. The wedding day was great too, a little drizzle though.

  13. Matt

    fuck. wanted to send you a message, not remove you as a friend!!! I remember you saying your a twitter nut, just signed up because im bored, whats the dealio?

  14. not yet Ten, 8 days to go. Last evening in work here in Barcelona with the colleagues, theyre planning something and not telling me anything.... im a bit nervous to be honest! Hows it goin?

  15. i have that exact same photo of one of the Pyramids!

  16. Matt

    only 17 huh? you speak far too much sense for someone your age!

  17. til indeed a stick.

    Whats a boomerang that wont come back?

  18. Thats not you is it Will?

  19. yo! an ex-blue roomer right?

  20. is this the notorious blue roomer?

  21. is extremely bored at work....

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