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Everything posted by Matt

  1. oh, it must be the summer again.....
  2. not really into boxing, but thats going to be a joke if Khan doesnt get his titles back, especially (if i understand correctly) they were taken off him controversially in the first place.
  3. thats for you Marco for that investigator joke, wont let me do it in the shoutbox though... edit or here apparently?! whats going on!
  4. http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/2012/05/09/barkley-delight-at-award he doesnt come across as the sharpest tool in the box does he?
  5. kind of sport related, impressive none the less: http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/08/paralyzed-woman-finishes-marathon-16-days-after-start/
  6. is it a trashy novel by any chance?
  7. by all means. Try getting some "Talking with the enemy" responses from a Toon site
  8. Finally got an explanation as to what they think has happened..... Basically, they couldnt find any source of bleeding from my stomach so assume that i had a nose bleed in my sleep or something and swallowed it. The only explanation they can think of and it covers all the questions...... So, im apparently fit as a fiddle (blood tests show im in perfect health apparently ). Just scared the hell out of me..... Thanks for the concern though lads
  9. i'd be livid if I was a Cardiff fan. You want a team that plays in red with a dragon on it - sponsor the Welsh rugby team or something. You cant reinvent a 100 year old club for shirt sales, its just wrong.
  10. throwin up a good mouthful of blood, going the hospital in Hungary after being freaked out only to be pretty much dismissed because i'd had a few drinks.
  11. Looking at the list Pete put up there, im not sure he would have done.....
  12. doesnt always work though ive found
  13. my point was that everyone was saying how much better we wouldve been if we had him in charge because he spent loads of money.
  14. well he does! people reopening Moutinho transfer rumour threads........
  15. Impossible! How can that be when Lerner is such a good chairman and has gotten millions invested into the team? ....... we really need the sarcastic font.....
  16. is Seamus fit enough to go? When was the last game he played?!
  17. why, why, WHY did this get reopened?!
  18. i only got into it by using the TweetDeck app on google chrome. Twitter on its own is useless
  19. interesting way of looking at it mate, i find myself agreeing with you. But who knows what trials people in that situation go through and who knows how much of it the person remembers. Like Nik says, very philosophical debate there....
  20. tipping setup (i think) http://www.toffeetal...talk-euro-2012/ cant find a decent FF league yet - if someone finds one, just set it up and share the details like in the above thread
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