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Posts posted by Neil

  1. what is your problem with me i have been on this forum for a year and a half and have always been polite and respectfull of everyones opinions and posts whether i agreed with them or not and i had hoped to get the same level of respect back instead u have felt the need to have a go at me over the bent post and tell me to get over myself and call me a child newsflash zed i am 32 years old married with 2 children i come on this forum for one reason to talk about the mighty blues not recive abuse from u

  2. What a crock of shit


    zed the is no need for u to be so rude if you dont agree with somthing i say thats fine not a problem but to say my post is a crock of shit is out of order i just posted a passing thought on the so called bent bid as a cyber steward u should be setting a better example

  3. Im glad we didnt get him whenever it was that we bid for him. Does it say how much we supposedly bid?


    no it doesnt say how much we bid but at a guess its got to be at least 6 mil and if its a recent bid then we have money to spend but if its a old bid that means aj wasnt moyes first choice

  4. Agreed, i dont see the point in paying that amount for a defender and not playing him. I actually think he'll play Lescott for say 3 games then rest him for a couple and then play him for 3 games etc just until hes fully up to speed with the Premiership


    one word for u mate kroldrup he cost a few quid and didnt play much

  5. being a true blue all my life i will hold my hands up and admit when i saw the title of post i wasnt best pleased however upon reading the princes post its clear to see he ment no harm and wasnt trying to bait us were as the likes of u heh cant help yourself and to be fair some of your posts have warrented deleting and so on but i personally have no problem with the princes post

  6. I know, ill be called biased and might get slated for this but Crouch should have started, no two ways about it. Rooney all on his own upfront was an awful decision and one which i knew wasnt going to work. When playing against 4 defenders, its almost impossible for a lone striker to get some change, unless you have fast wingers who can stretch the fullbacks. Joe Cole was always going to cut in and Beckham was invisible except for set piece situations. Should always have been a 442 or Crouch alone on his own if a 451.

    How did Lampard even get picked in this one? Shocking decision.


    i agree mate we should never have played with just one striker its pure madness how sven thought we could up against the best players in the world with just one striker playing and win is beyond me

  7. first time i have seen this thread what a corker some really funny posts i can see this thread moving to the classics and i am with mac i was at a family meal when this 30 somthing waiter slipped a note to my 15 year old god daughter inviting her back to his flat boy was that a big mistake he was lucky my auntie poured the bowl of tomato soup over his head before i got near him as i wouldnt have been so nice to him

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