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marcus jones

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Posts posted by marcus jones

  1. It's all very well trying to say which formation will be best, but it still comes down to the tactics from Moyes in saying how we play, how to drag one of the oppositions central defenders out of position, to keep the ball from one particular player, to keep a tight line or not, diagonal ball against a short fullback etc etc etc.... and not to mention the lack of killer instinct in decision making, more so in a tight game.

  2. If Mancini is going to change his formation to let's say 433 then there is no starting place for him with all their attack minded personal. Don't know about if he will like splinters up his backside being on the bench most of the time so I really can see him going out on loan, but not to us though.sad.png

  3. I seriously don't know about Billy. I mean he's got nearly everything in his locker it's just that he hardly ever shows it. He can work hard when it matters, decent first touch, a cracking shot but his mind starts to wander and then he becomes so bloody infuriating. Me thinks were flogging a dead horse here.unsure.png

  4. Even if we do manage to get, say £18 mill for him then there is no way on earth Bill will let Moyes have all the money. The books need to be balanced so that it looks good for any possible take over. So there will be only around £10 mill for the manager and he wont blow it on just one signing. Two £5 mill players is what you will get, and £5 mill players they will be and so yet again we dilute our squad with lesser players than we already have. Sign of the times I guess.

  5. AC Milan. Van Basten, Gullit, Rijkard, Maldini, Barresi, says it all really and thats how I want Everton to play, a midfield who tackles and compresses, a back four who hardly lets anyone have even a half chance and a good forward line, now that's my kind of way to play football! Not Barca esque but dominant never the same.

  6. All well and told when we have saleable assets on the pitch, what happens when ALL our best players are sold? We wont be buying in the next best but the third best players, thus depleting the pool from which other teams will want to buy from. West Ham did it with Cole, Lampard, Ferdinand etc, and replaced them with what? Third rate players, we COULD go the same way.

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