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Sophie Lancaster


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I was sickened to hear that a girl had been killed because she dressed gothic. Even more so when I found out that the murders parents had been laughing about it!


I suppose something like this was always going to be inevitable when you see the clashes in town between scals and the 'courts kids'.


There are some sick people out there.


On a lighter note, I found this on her tribute site and it made me laugh.


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Ok Louis.......some of us not from the city need some translation!



For instance...Scals?.......and Courts Kids?......what, who are they?


Not saying Norfolks a little behind the times.....but we still get the odd clash between Cavaliers and roundheads!


Shame about the Goth girl.......seems you don't need much of a reason to take a life.

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Scallies are also known as Chavs/Neddies depending where you are from..


Courts Kids are a collection of 12-16yr olds who hang around the Magistrates courts in Liverpool (usually goth/emo/punk hardcore kids) smoking weed and downing occasional pill.


The incident wasn't that local, it was in Lancashire, a guy was getting battered by the scallies and victims girlfriend tried to defend him but she received head injuries and went into a coma, never to wake up.


I beleive that the victims representative tried or is trying to class it as a hate crime (as the catalyst for the fight was for someone had a different fasion/music taste),

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ive been attacked by scals/chavs/wankers many times before for wearing band t-shirts wearing my hair long and sporting a goatee. thankfully i have never recieved any serious injury mainly coz i can run very quickly when i need to.


its a sad state of affairs when people die because of these twats. the world is overpopulated and quite frankly if there were a cull of human to happen id place these tossers at the top of the list.

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Just low life teens who hang about in gangs getting up to all sorts of mischief, under age drinking in the park and showing no respect for peeps property, ie Graffiti, broken windows, personal abuse, and other such behaviour.

Pond life. :angry:

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that picutres should say f'in something else...which i prefer,but still funny...thought it was disgraceful the lads mum who was laughing


nothing wrong with graffiti, bill. i consider myself a bit of an artist with the world as my canvas

Edited by CraccerC
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