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Man Utd Fans

Guest Reg Reagan

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Guest Reg Reagan

I have just spoken to a friend of mine who was at the Old trafford clash last weekend and he is disgusted to hear Man Utd fans singing degotory remarks about them murdering anyone who is a scouser.


He also got abused and spat on by United fans as him and his girlfriend were on their way to the train station from Old trafford.


Why do Man Utd fans act like this towards us everton fans? i have never had any problems with them before and neither has my friend.

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They are Mancs. What do you expect?


It's not like Liverpool fans are going to sing about murdering Evertonians when half their families are blue.


Glad to say not all Mancs are like this.. i'm a City fan and the Rags are the most disgusting fans on the planet. when they played the Derby last year at Eastlands and we had to give a minutes silence, everyone was waiting for us to misbehave and kick off - but we didn't, we shown respect. But the majority of Utd fans are not actually from M/C, glory hunting RAGS as we call them, making trouble then jumping back on the train to Euston. You will find a lot of City fans actually prefer Everton to Liverpool , so please don't tar us all with the same brush as that scum

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Guest efctaxi

Just a game , no matter who you support .

Pity some guys have nothing else in the world to cling to . At the end of the day , it's not even the fans playing the football , so why get so aggressive ? Bring back national service !!

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Guest efctaxi

With the amount of supporters United have , I'm pretty sure a few chumps aren't worth tarring them all with the same brush . Every team has their idiots , not just United .

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