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How Do You Do This Thread

Jimmy the blue

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I am possibly the most ill informed user of a computer in the country hence when I see others post video clips, pictures and other things on here I just wonder how the heck do you do that.


Could some of you computer experts help the likes of myself by explaining how its done. I have no doubt that others could need advice on other things.

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Guest efctaxi
I am possibly the most ill informed user of a computer in the country hence when I see others post video clips, pictures and other things on here I just wonder how the heck do you do that.


Could some of you computer experts help the likes of myself by explaining how its done. I have no doubt that others could need advice on other things.


Jim ,


Here is the Url of a vid clip on youtube :




The most important bit is the part AFTER the = sign which in this case is E0h7Sn4oKpI


The coding for youtube is [youtube} and also [/youtube} . I have used the wrong bracket at the end of each or the coding would make it disappear . Obviously at the end you would normally have ] not } .


Simply put the remaining youtube link inbetween the 2 codes like this :




Note the / in the 2nd one :) Note also there are no gaps .


Put together you get your vid :



If unsure still , just press quote to see how it's done .

Edited by efctaxi
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Jim ,


Here is the Url of a vid clip on youtube :




The most important bit is the part AFTER the = sign which in this case is E0h7Sn4oKpI


The coding for youtube is [youtube} and also [/youtube} . I have used the wrong bracket at the end of each or the coding would make it disappear . Obviously at the end you would normally have ] not } .


Simply put the remaining youtube link inbetween the 2 codes like this :




Note the / in the 2nd one :) Note also there are no gaps .


Put together you get your vid :



If unsure still , just press quote to see how it's done .



Thanks efc, I'm going for a lie down mate but I will try that later even if it does scare the crap out of me :lol::lol::lol:

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For images , there are various ways of doing it .

One way is to use a website host such as Photobucket , which will store your own images , and anything else you upload to it from your pc .


There are many sites to upload your images to. I prefer TinyPic but there are ImageShack & Photobucket. I would recommend Photobucket its just got too many functions for me, I just want somewhere where I can upload images without being asked what font I want my profile in.



When you go to reply in a thread there will be 5 buttons at the side of the smilie option, these are;


Links (Click on the button and copy the URL where asked, then tell the box what you want to appear)

Image (Click and copy the URL)

E-Mail (Click and copy e-mail)

Quote (Click)

Code (Click)


Once you get the hang of it its real easy - Good Luck :)

Edited by dark
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Guest efctaxi

For images , there are various ways of doing it .


One way is to use a website host such as Photobucket , which will store your own images , and anything else you upload to it from your pc .




This is free , and your images are stored there basically forever .

Go to the account options and select private , which means anyone who views the image can only view the image you want them to see . You will have your own username and password . After uploading an image there , it gives you options underneath each picture for various links i.e urls , img's etc . You hover over the pic to see the links then just choose the one you want , before copying and pasting it on your forum of choice .


Another way to do it is to go to Google / images , and find one you like .

When you presson the image , it normally opens a website containing the image , but at the top of the page , there is an option to view the ' full sized image ' .

Chosing this option opens up the picture in it's own url ( the address at the top of your bar ) .

Copy and paste the url onto the forum , then either side of it put the image codes [img}[/img} .


You can also do it by pressing the image sign above your new post if your pc internet options allow scripting .

Then you would paste the url in the bar that pops up , but remove the http etc from the bar first . ( long way really ).


Some forums with decent sized storage space allow you to upload the image to their own site , but I believe we don't have that facility here ( or need it ) :)



As our photographer friend pointed out , beware of copyrighted stuff lol .

Edited by efctaxi
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  • 2 weeks later...

Defrag time is really dependent on three things: the size of your hard drive, how much crap you have installed on it, and how long it's been since the last defrag. Used to be an easy fix back when hard drives were only a few hundred megabytes. Nowadays when I'm going to defrag I either pick a time when I'm going to be gone for the day, or leave my computer on overnight.

Edited by JD in DC
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Defrag time is really dependent on three things: the size of your hard drive, how much crap you have installed on it, and how long it's been since the last defrag. Used to be an easy fix back when hard drives were only a few hundred megabytes. Nowadays when I'm going to defrag I either pick a time when I'm going to be gone for the day, or leave my computer on overnight.



Thanks JD that seems to throw a light on for me :rolleyes:

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Guest efctaxi
Defrag time is really dependent on three things: the size of your hard drive, how much crap you have installed on it, and how long it's been since the last defrag. Used to be an easy fix back when hard drives were only a few hundred megabytes. Nowadays when I'm going to defrag I either pick a time when I'm going to be gone for the day, or leave my computer on overnight.


What he said :)


You can get defrag software that can do it quicker such as O&O Defrag etc .

Each time you install , or uninstall a programme , it's worth doing a defrag too .

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