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Traffic Dispute


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Liverpool Council say that Everton and Liverpool should pay for their own traffic and crowd management. Everton and Liverpool disagree. All have consulted legal advisors.


The cost is approximately £15,000 per game and there's a minimum of 38 games played (combined).


Liverpool Echo - News - Liverpool Local News - Liverpool FC and Everton FC told to pay for police traffic marshalls at matches


I can see the Council's argument to be honest. It shouldn't be up to the taxpayers of Liverpool to pay for a entertainment business' crowd management.

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Does the city of Liverpool pay Everton and Liverpool FC for the income generated by its businesses due to the football clubs being there? No. In the US citites actually fund a lot of stadia because they generate a fantastic amount of wealth for the surrounding community. The New Yankee Stadium (2.3 billion USD price tag) actually received 1.2 billion in taxpayer subsidies. I'm not justifying this, its actually quite controversial, but surely the city of liverpool would take responsibility for the safety of its residents. I think profiting off of the football clubs without excepting the costs they bring is slightly unfair.

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Does the city of Liverpool pay Everton and Liverpool FC for the income generated by its businesses due to the football clubs being there? No. In the US citites actually fund a lot of stadia because they generate a fantastic amount of wealth for the surrounding community. The New Yankee Stadium (2.3 billion USD price tag) actually received 1.2 billion in taxpayer subsidies. I'm not justifying this, its actually quite controversial, but surely the city of liverpool would take responsibility for the safety of its residents. I think profiting off of the football clubs without excepting the costs they bring is slightly unfair.


Good point!......Do the hotels that I stay in on my visits to Liverpool when I come to watch Everton play, give Everton FC a percentage of the fee!Every penny my son and I (and at times my wife and daughter)spend in the city is only spent because we've come to watch Everton.

Taxi drivers make good money out of the football clubs, maybe the council should levy an extra tax on the cabbies on match day fares.

The football clubs generate plenty of money for the city, and shouldn't it be an aim of any city council to actually promote entertainment for their paying public (tax payers).




1.The football clubs.


3.Taxi drivers.

4.Restaurants, pubs, shops, clubs etc.

5.The policemen (overtime payments)

6.The cities bus service.

7.Attractions within the city who pick up extra trade.


Doesn't it even promote the name of the city.......The name Everton is mentioned all around the world, whilst liverpool fc is a household name in Norway. :)

The football clubs must be worth every penny they cost the city.

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