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Everton Memories


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I posted this elsewhere, but I wanted to share it with you.



It was the morning of the milk cup final and I had stayed at my parent's house the night before. I was up and ready at half past three in the morning.


There was a reason I was up so early, and it was not just excitement at the first ever all Merseyside Wembley final.


A week earlier my Dad had spoken to me. "Guess what son. I have tickets for the match complete with transport to and from the game."


"Wow Dad, thats fantastic."


What my dad didn't tell me, was that the transport he had arranged for us was on a corporation double decker bus, leaving early from Carisbrook Road depot.


I think flat out it struggled to reach a double figure speed, the seats were the 'anti vandal' hard plastic types. With it being so slow we had to leave early in order to get to the game on time, and no stops on the way. After a couple of hours most of the folks on board were desperate for a pee, so someone had a great idea. I plastic bottle upside down with the bottom cut off. It was jammed in the sliding doors and you peed into the open end of the bottle so it ran out of the buss and onto the road.


We were overtaken by everyone else on the way to Wembley during the trip, but it didn't matter, we were all off to watch the MATCH.


We got to a London bus depot and had to walk the rest of the way, but it didn't matter we were all still singing and happy.


It was on the journey down that a few youngsters started singing a song, but got into all kinds of trouble with the words. An old guy, bless him came up with some new words,

"Tell me ma me ma, to put the champagne on ice. We're going to Wembly twice, tell me ma me ma."


As you know the tune became a favourite.


After the game we wandered back to the bus and were checked to see we we were all back before we set off.


We of course were the last ones home getting back in the early hours of the morning, We couldn't stop at any of the motorway services as they were all full by the time we got to them, so we pulled off the motorway and went down little country lanes to find a pub. A Liverpool Corporation Double Decker parked outside a posh looking pub in the middle of nowhere. When we were suitably 'happy' again we continued.


Then tired and very sore from those bloody seats we got back to Carisbrook Road depot early in the morning. Dad and me got a chance to walk off the stiffness as we went home.


What a great memory I have of that day, despite everything else.

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