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Legal Age Of Smoking Going Up To 18


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I think because of all the shite that is in it, smoking, if invented now would not be legalised but since it provides all sorts of income for the UK that isn't gonna happen. I also hate smoking but I notice a lot of smokers get all uppety when you talk about banning it moaning about civil rights and such so I don't think us non-smokers and the smokers are gonna be agreeing any time soon over this one :)

Edited by L_Blue
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I think they should Ban beer, or make it £6 a pint. Ive never been punched, kicked, harrassed, or had a glass put in my face by somebody After they've had a couple of fags, Cant say the same about Drinkers.

Would rather be in the company of somebody who's had ten Fags, than somebody who's had ten pints.

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:rolleyes: see. I see your point but the problem is not with the beer itself it is with the person. If someone is in a pub drinking on a table opposite me as long and they don't act like a tosser it won't affect me at all. In comparison, the nicest smoker with the best intentions in the world may be near me and no matter what I do, unless I go outside, I have no way of escaping their fumes. I don't neccessarily agree with banning it completely because there are too many people addicted to nicotine already, but I do agree with banning it in public places. Or there could be designated smokers bars or pubs or whatever where it is clearly noted that if you go in here you are gonna get fag smoke either accept it or go somewhere else.
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Murmours & Govt debate down under are that Cars will be the next down this way to get a total smoking ban.>Espec if carry passengers.


Passive smokin n all is the next issue authorities are taking on this end


P,s ( Was in papaer here) Laffed @ The Japanese tourists whom Thought Brisbane was the prostitute capital of the world..!!!


Havent been able to smoke within 3 metres or some shiote distance of any building for a few years, so every Sky scraper in the city often has about 50, well dressed, powdered up secreteary/ office types stood on the street suckin in thier fag's.


A lil cultural literacy prob, but the Japanese Gents then felt obliged enquired how much a shag costs..LOL


All parties left very embarresed.

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