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i phoned them today and asked what we have to do to get the possitive press reports that we decerve!! all i was going on about is that last year spurs where up there and all the papers where going on about them getting 4th now we have been there for the past few years. still we dont seem to get the best of reports what spurs used to get!!!!! all i ask for is what we deserve! man utd play shit they still get first on motd same chelski and arsewholes and the red dirty twats so i think its about time the rest of the CUNTry realise that we are a force to be reconed with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)

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What did the presenter say to you? I don't listen to Merseyside that much.


I think with Spurs though is that half of the journos down south are supporters of them so they're not likely to rip into them, they're bound to talk them up. The same goes for West Ham.

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Just timed the post match chat on MOTD2.


Lee Dixon talks about Everton for forty seconds then...


The three of them (Chiles, Dixon, Keown) spend two and a half minutes talking about Titus Bramble <_< then...


One minute forty-five talking about Wigan :huh: then...


Fifteen seconds on Joleon Lescott.


Surely the story of the day is Everton moving into the top four. I know I'm biased but it has to be doesn't it?


But we get more than four minutes on Wigan and less than one on Everton. It's a fact....it's bollocks.

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I was pleasantly surprised to see this as one of the headlines here in Australia:


"Everton fourth after victory at Wigan"


Usually it's all Manc, Chelski, Arse or RS news down here. Heck, even some sports stores have Leeds Utd gurnseys in the ole days when Kewell was playing for them.

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