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The Rick

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Posts posted by The Rick

  1. Welcome, Rick. Started following the Club for a few of the same reasons you did, with the added draw for me being Tim Cahill seeing that my dad is Australian. Hope you come to love Everton as much as the rest of us do.




    Would've rather either seen Naismith out on the right, with Osman/Felli partnering Gibson and Felli/Barkley in behind Jelly. Oh well though, let's see how they go.


    Thanks pal!

  2. What in your research made you choose Everton?


    I wanted a team that was an under dog, but that wasn't in enough danger to finish in the bottom 3. I like Howard a ton. I love the motto and logo. Everything I've read about Moyes makes me confident in the Toffee's future (hopefully he stays on board). I like that there is so much tradition and history with Everton.

  3. Hello everyone - Newbie here from Maryland, U.S.A. First year following the EPL and have decided to root for Everton after a lot of research. Excited for the match tomorrow. I've perused a few Everton F.C. forums, but this one seems to be the best by a wide margin (in terms of knowledgeable discussion), so I'm glad to be on board. Excuse my general football ignorance. Along those lines, I will post minimally, until I can "hang".

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