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Posts posted by thoward18

  1. We can only judge the guy on his Everton periods, and he came across as having a good attitude during his time here. What he does in the States is irrelevant to us, as is the present argument, as it's all hypothetical regarding his return.


    As I said in my first post, I would welcome Donovan to Everton despite my personal dislike for him. I was asked why I didn't like him, so I explained.

  2. He is nowhere near Suarez in that department tho. Its all about comparing to the right player. If you compare anyone to the likes of Henry and Klose they are going to look like a bad boy and a spoilt bitch. If you compare to Wise, Suarez etc youre going to look like a saint


    Like I said earlier, he's nowhere near the level of guys like Suarez, Barton, etc. But he's just not a guy that is easy to root for. Believe me, MLS product, US national team player, and Everton alumnus; I WISH I could be proud of Landon Donovan. But he just has a crappy attitude.

  3. I really don't see the prima donna attitude there... Oh well! Agree to disagree.


    He's right in that vid though. Not being as good as Donovan, doesn't mean he can't say Donovan is being unsportsmanlike.


    And then you see Donovan mouth, "who the fuck are you?" He echoed that sentiment after the game on Twitter as well. A guy like Thierry Henry has an ego but, despite having 100X the hardware and career that Landon could ever dream of, doesn't run around MLS with a holier than thou attitude.


    There was a big incident back in 09 I believe, when Beckham was still relatively new to MLS. Donovan had a tantrum and started saying stupid stuff to the media about Beckham being a horrible teammate. Now granted, Becks is hardly a low profile, low-maintenance guy, but he's a guy who has been a leader at the club and international stage and has done a whole lot of winning. Beckham was forced to respond, and said that he'd talk to Landon in private about how to conduct himself, but that his attitude was "unprofessional" and unlike anything he'd ever seen before.

  4. Personally I'm a fan because of Tim Howard, and I know there are others who are fans because of Timmy/Landon. Though I think more and more teams are starting to take the hint, there is a lot of potential for the US as a market for European teams. I think the US is particularly a good fit for Everton, because we seem to develop similar players. Low maintenance guys who work hard and think defense first.

  5. I totally get your sentiment on Donovan, but I can't help but think you're totally wrong. I'm not sure of how many national team games you've been to, but if you watch both of them out there you'll see Donovan working 10 times harder than Dempsey to make things happen offensively and actually putting in work defensively, which Dempsey tends to forget. I think you're a little too caught up in the US fan discourse surrounding both of them, and aren't really looking at either very objectively.


    I've been to my fair share, and I know Landon has worked hard. To be honest, majority of my feelings for him stem from club play, not international. It's the way he carries himself. Total prima dona.



  6. I understand this, mostly. I used to have maybe more than a slight dislike for Donovan, but in hindsight I think it was due to the non-stop, singular, attention he was given when it came to the USMNT. I couldn't stand him, because he was the media darling and the supposed savior of US Soccer. But, with the emergence of Dempsey as a larger figure, my dislike for him has waned, and I can really appreciate the guy. When he's been at Everton he's been nothing but a hard-working team player and a classy individual.


    Dempsey, however, I have grown to have an intense distaste for. He's quality, but he never seems to put in the work. He's also taken to diving, which, as an American, will always piss me off. The way he handled everything with Fulham has completely destroyed anything positive I felt for that guy.


    I love Timmy, Bradley, Cherundulo, Johnson, Williams, and Agudelo, among others, though. These guys always put in the work.


    I understand what you're saying. But it's different when Donovan is at Everton because he's just another guy. In the US he's a figurehead and top player in the MLS. In England, nobody gives a shit who Landon Donovan is. So he loses the attitude and snotty demeanor and just plays.


    I understand what you're saying about Dempsey with Fullham and the diving, but I still respect the hell out of him. He was irrelevant at the U-17 and U-20 levels and, although he was certainly a very good player in the MLS, I don't think anybody ever though he was going to become what he is today. And the dude definitely takes a lot of knocks diving in for balls in the box and poaching in general. I understand what you're saying but ultimately Dempsey plays like he would sacrifice a limb just to get the US a World Cup. And I have to respect that. Lando plays like he's trying to earn a new Nike deal.

  7. Just curious, what's your problem with him?


    It's hard to explain. but I can assure you I am not alone in disliking him here in America. He comes off as a whiny, entitled prick. He comes off as a guy who thinks he's hot shit. The 2010 World Cup was a shock to a lot of people. Not because Landon was productive, but because he was playing with his heart on his sleeve. And a lot of us were hoping that this was the sign of a changed man. But once the WC ended it was back to the same antics and attitude. He's not even close to Joey Barton/John Terry levels of dislike, but it's just not easy to root for Landon the way it is very, very easy to root for guys like Clint Dempsey, Tim Howard, Carlos Bocanegra, etc.

  8. Wow... Romey and me agree on Donovan now... It's too bad that he seems to have lost his love of playing football... A very talented player and the biggest soccer star in my country (Unless Dempsey has surpassed Donovan)


    Dempsey has 100% surpassed Donovan.


    I do not like Landon Donovan on a personal level, but although he's lot a bit of speed he'd still be an asset for Everton. Still capable of expanding the field and putting some good balls into the box while adding a secondary scoring ability as well. We shouldn't break the bank for him and I don't think Los Angeles would sell him unless they got a sizable bid, but if he wants to come to the team on a free then I am 100% for it.

  9. Thanks for the answers guys. Just a few follow up questions.


    If most teams below League 2 have semi-pro players, what happens when teams are promoted up to League 2? Are players given that much of a raise? Are they expected to quit their jobs?


    I understand that for teams like Stoke, Sunderland, West Ham, etc. Europa League is an accomplishment. But how do big teams approach it? Is it basically an afterthought for Liverpool this year? Or is it still a big deal (though obviously not on par with Champions League)?


    Are Championship-League 2 teams basically helpless unless they get tickets to games then? Do teams like Bolton, West Ham, Leeds, etc. really not on TV this season unless it's FA Cup?

  10. Sorry if these posts get annoying but I am genuinely intrigued by English soccer/football and the culture surrounding it. Because it's absolutely nothing like anything we have here in the US in any sport. So just some questions here that I would appreciate any answers to. Or if there are books or online sources I could be pointed to that would be excellent as well.


    - What was the motives behind the creation of the Premier League in 92 and how did it happen?


    - How much emphasis is there on winning the Npower Championship as opposed to merely earning promotion. Aside from the money earned, is there any incentive to finishing first as opposed to second?


    - Exactly how much do people care about the Europa League?


    - At what level is soccer no longer a full-time job? Here in the US, players in any other league aside from the MLS almost definitely have to have a full-time job, with soccer just being an "on the side" thing.


    - What is the lowest level shown on TV? Given how close cities in the UK are (at least in comparison to the US), how does broadcasting work? How is it decided what games are played in what regions (I have no idea if this question makes sense)?



    Appreciate any information you guys have. And I'm sure I'll think of a million more questions after I submit this. But hopefully you all see it as an opportunity to teach instead of as this annoying Yankee who doesn't know shit, haha.

  11. There's a few decent goalkeepers around that won't cost the earth that could do a job and playing goal is such a pivotal part of the team so it's imperative any side has some men in reserve to fall back on.


    Oh for sure. But my point was that a guy like Manninger makes much more sense than breaking the bank for a young goalkeeper at this point... at least in my opinion.

  12. Here in The U.S. I've literally met a total of two people who liked a team that wasn't Man U/Man City/Liverpool/Chelsea. I think the reasons for this are fairly obvious. Granted, geography is irrelevant here. But I was wondering what it was like for you guys. How prominent is it for people to be in the areas of teams such as Sheffield United/Everton/Bolton/Southampton etc. etc. etc. to instead bandwagon for top teams not anywhere near them?

  13. Bill Hamid would be nearly a straight swap for Howard. The young lad plays for DC United, he's behind Howard in the US's national team, so could be a great coach for the lad.


    He's shown good promise and he's been playing for a few years now, yet still only 21. Was on trial at one of the PL sides, can't remember which one, could be Fulham? (guessing based on the old Dempsey links).


    COuld be a worthy replacement?


    Alvarado (AZ Alkmaar) is also a quality keeper, big unit but great athleticism. He'd cost a fortune, plus with our recent Costa Rican addiition, he'd have someone to ease him in.


    Hamid could be a solid developmental pickup but he is nowhere near where Howard was at his age. Tim Howard absolutely dominated the MLS as a 22 year old. Hamid is almost 22 and, although he is definitely one of the better MLS keepers, I don't think anyone would consider him the best and he definitely is not feared like Howard was. In fact there are people that believe that Sean Johnson (Chicago Fire) and/or Ryan Meara (my New York Red Bulls) are better options for the future of the US National Team.


    I'm obviously biased but I'd love to see Meara end up on Everton. You want to talk about a straight swap for Howard? Meara's favorite player growing up WAS Tim Howard. He's from New York and so he watched Timmy when his career began in New York. And he wears 18 to honor him. He's similar to Howard in that he's low maintenance but has good reflexes and does a good job of commanding the back line. He was considered the best rookie in MLS until he got hurt and was called up by Ireland's U-21 squad (though Red Bull didn't allow him to go). He's a few years away from being ready for Europe, though.

  14. I was just thinking about this when I was making my tea (roast chicken wraped in bacon with stuffing, sausages, hash browns and gravy if anyone is interested)


    That was the most British thing I've ever heard.



    Anyway, like someone else said, Football Manager is basically a drug. My only complaint about it is how they do a pretty crappy job of setting up North American leagues but I doubt anyone here cares about that. It's scary how detailed the game is.

  15. He wasnt that bad... He just struggles to get into the game at times. There is definitely a lot of quality in there, just have to work out how to extract it more regularly.


    Although if you are talking about the Mirallas on here then I would have to agree! tongue.png


    He made good runs and drew the PK if I remember correctly but he had two point-blank shooting opportunities that he failed to capitalize on.

  16. I haven't got much to go off but in general Barkey plays behind the striker with his biggest strength is probably his vision and threading the ball through, he can beat his man as well and has a good shot on him.

    I've no idea about fees/wages. His loan contract length is only a month, but it can be renewed.

    It depends on his development, if he improves his defensive decision making he'll soon be in the team. If he's not ready for the prem by x-mas I'd expect him to be loaned back out for the remainder of the season.


    Baxter was offered a new contract, but at a lower rate. He opted to leave on a free and joined Oldham where he is doing well and their fans are impressed and he was their motm in their last game "Baxter was lively throughout , you can see he has the confidence in his ability & he was our only goal threat."


    Thanks for the info. So then would Barkley be classified as a #10 type of player?


    Interesting about Baxter. So what is the fanbase's opinion of that situation? Was it a mistake to let him go or is it just the unfortunate reality of his situation and what he was demanding?

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