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Posts posted by thoward18

  1. Our central play is awful right now offensively, Gibson the exception. Neville's touch is crap right now. On one hand, the play of Peanuts and Baines is brilliant. On the other, Wigan have adjusted knowing fully well that we're only capable of attacking from the left at the moment. We're going to need better central play so we can stretch the Wigan defense. Because right now everything is too predictable.

  2. I couldn't even see what was presented ?



    Prepare for the mindfuck around 7:20. His name is Iya Traore and he does this on the streets on France regularly. If I remember correctly he was signed on a youth contract or something by one of the big name teams in France but injuries and other things got in the way and ended his career.

  3. Yeah I think Coleman's value to this team is becoming more and more apparent. I love Jags but he's pretty helpless with the ball at his feet in the offensive half of the field and he doesn't have great wheels. He certainly belongs in the center. Coleman's far from Philipp Lahm but he's a perfectly competent EPL fullback. I don't think we can justify taking him out even when Hibbo is healthy, no?

  4. Jelavic has been disappointing for the last few matches for me now and most of the season so far tbh. Not sure if its because of shoddy service from the midfield or defenders just have gotten used to him.


    I think it's a combination of things. You guys would know better than I but I believe Jelavic came into the league with little fanfare. Now he's a marked man. I also don't think we can underestimate the impact Mirallas had on the rest of the offense. He created so much space for everyone else and especially Jelavic. Finally, I think he's just off form. He made some good runs today and got into some scoring positions. But his touch let him down. That's going to happen to strikers. If he starts to become completely unnoticeable or struggles a severely long time then I'll be worried about it, but right now I think he just needs to put some balls in the net during training to build his confidence back up and just ride out this underwhelming patch of games.

  5. Don't see how you can vote for anyone other than Pienaar, goal and an assist. What more does he have to do? Top performance.


    Pienaar was runner up for me, but the goal was somewhat unintentional (though good job following the ball) and both goals came off of balls from Baines. I thought Baines was almost flawless for the entirety of the game and for that reason I gave it to him.

  6. For £6.5 mil we should be looking else where. We needed Distin, we don't need Lescott. He has nowhere near the natural fitness to play as long as Distin as this level, recently commented that he is disappointed about how high his BMI is. Although for a nominal fee, yes.


    Obviously this is pure speculation for my part but I doubt he's actually going to get sold for that much. I'm guessing that Man City leaked that amount.


    If Everton is truly interested in Lescott and are willing to put in a decent bid for him then I imagine Man City is going to have a hard time convincing him to sign elsewhere. He has history with us, played arguably his best soccer here, and would be joining us at a time where we're competing to get in European soccer. I don't know for sure of course but I would think this would be very appealing to him.

  7. Pardew will never be allowed to manage Everton after his comments towards the club. At least I hope he never comes here.


    Oh and what experience did DM have before coming to Everton? He has only managed Preston before Everton. Not exactly a massive amount of experience.


    I agree that we don't need a big name. What we need (if Moyes were to go) is someone with experience playing what we call in America "Money Ball." That is, getting the most out of minimal spending money.

  8. Look at the continuous carousel of coaching in and out of the Premier League. Having a stable, reliable coach for this long should not be unappreciated. I can't even imagine how we could replace Moyes with anyone but an inferior option in comparison. If we lose Fellaini and/or Baines it would suck for sure but the team would recover and bounce back. If we lose Moyes I'm ready to hit the panic button. Especially with the budget Everton is working with, all it takes is one 6 month stint of Mark Hughes quality and we're fighting relegation.

  9. No trans Atlantic confusion....it just means the writer is an idiotsmile.png .


    Haha alright then.


    I like Lescott but age concerns me. Distin is 34. Jagielka is 30. Neville is 35. Heitinga is our youngest CB and is 29 and likely gone anyway. I'd like to add someone with less milage, you know? How's Shane Duffy coming along?

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