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Posts posted by TrueBlue

  1. Aye go for mortgage, renting is just dead money that you won't see again.


    I think theres more pride in owning your own house, I've rented for the past 4 years and will be renting again next year and roughly I've wasted £16,500 grand. Bloody hell didn't think it was that much :o good job for student loans (although I have to pay it back :( )


    I'd love to have a house :(

  2. Mark, Send a letter to him ;)


    Zed, I asked a sports journalist why so many get the ratings or sometimes a whole build up play wrong. He said that because the journalists are writing/typing everything down they miss something and have to get it from one of the journalists in the box who may have seen some/all of it. Thats why most newspapers have the same reports and that there isn't much difference. Also with he internet and mobiles people want the information as soon as possible so they can't always watch the game back again but it pretty much gets sent back to the editor straight away to get the story on the website and ready for publication.

  3. Think you have to contact them by phone and then they will put you to an odds compiler who will review and give you the odds for it.


    Something like that, I want to put one on Paolo Maldinis son Christian to become an Italy captain before hes 25. Or something similiar to that :P

  4. Hes not much of a goalscorer midfielder though, but more of a killer pass one. I think hes class although recently I do think he believes he can play brilliantly without much effort and that is because hes believing his own hype,

  5. Shown that to my tutor at uni who has worked throughout Yorkshire Newspapers like Yorkshire Evening Post. She told me to write a counter arguement for it, in my usual dry humour (tbh didn't think my humour was dry :( ) and she'll have a look at it and look into it getting published.


    Just a bit worried now as added pressure.


    Louis do you know if it was actually in the paper or just on the website?

  6. ...

    fucking journos of this country. wish theyd all die


    Bit harsh :(



    What annoys me is that its obvious he hasn't done the neccessary research for such an article. Another thing is that it was obviously written for a certain agenda, of which I can't tell you. He talks utter crap throughout the article giving no reason why he feels that way. The only thing I agreed about was the Bulger bit.


    Just a real bad bit of journalism on his part. Out of interest where was that taken from?

  7. Saw the interview with Carsley on MOTD2 and when asked about Johnson in the England squad he said something along the lines of "I'd rather have Nugent" (think thats what he said anyway)


    Sounds to me like the deal has been wrapped up and hes maybe spent some time at Bellefield already. Might be me reading too much into it though :unsure:



  8. Yeah same as the new millenium shite. Nostradamus mentioned something about the year 2000 and every thought we were gonna die, then when nothin happened a couple of years later they said a miscalcuation meant that Nostradamus meant it was the following year was the apocolypse.


    I'm very very sceptical and sorry to pass judgement but anyone who believes these predictions needs their head testing. (not sayin you believe them btw Andy)

  9. my sheds shit, cant even fit me bike in it :(


    Whats the point of having it then? :P


    My dad recently built a brick one to keep his tools and golf clubs safe (hes a builder so needed it to be brick). Its massive but still ends up filling it with junk, it takes the piss really as it has a better security system than the house. We used to have a good area of grass where me and my brother used to play footy but thats made way for the shed and he paved the rest of the grass. :(

  10. Has anyone seen that new film (notice im not american) with shaun been in


    Wondering if its any good


    Anyway currently whatching red nose day, which is shite but for a good cause


    Is it the Outlaw one? Has Bob Hoskins and Danny Dyer in it. As...


    Just went to watch Outlaw.


    Was looking forward to it but was a little disappointed with it. The camera is always shakey and at times I wanted to focus on something but you can't as the camera always moves, think its meant to be realistic but I didn't like it.


    It has the potential to be a good film but imo the ending and some of the camera movement ruined it for me. But thats my opinion and what the hell do I know about films :P


    Its not a bad watch but in all honestly if I had a free ticket to go watch the film I'd seriously consider not going. I'm notoriously hard to please in films and some of my mates thought it was good but I still can't get my head around how they riuned a potentially good film :(

  11. Just went to watch Outlaw.


    Was looking forward to it but was a little disappointed with it. The camera is always shakey and at times I wanted to focus on something but you can't as the camera always moves, think its meant to be realistic but I didn't like it.


    It has the potential to be a good film but imo the ending and some of the camera movement ruined it for me. But thats my opinion and what the hell do I know about films :P

  12. Aye forgot about that...


    I actually found a 1971 reedition of one in a market bookstore in Darlo.


    Picked it up for a fiver...LOTR Book


    And in the contents it was labelled in three parts, Contents Page


    Also, New Line Cinema originaly only wanted one or two films but after a lot of problems in cutting the film down they had to settle for 3.


    In addition, Tolkien never wanted the books to be published and was really against it as he only wrote them for his children. A lot of people in the book world aren't fans of LOTR as the writing style they say is awful. But they are all educational types with no imagination though.

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