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Posts posted by TrueBlue

  1. Well I celebrated it, even missed a few lectures to go on a celebratory drinking session.


    I actually wrote a little article about St Patricks day and basically said it's a sad state of affairs when "everyone has Irish roots similar to those of Tony Cascarino" end up celebrating St Patricks day. I also mentioned that it was a sad state of affairs when English people celebrate an Irish saint more than an English one and that most English people know when St Paddy’s day is but not St George’s day.


    I'm not passing judgement on those who forgot or didn't know it was yesterday as I feel the blame lies entirely with the Government for not promoting it enough, but St Paddy’s day is only so popular now 'cos Guinness were clever enough to turn it into a load of commercial crap but then that gets its the best profits. However, the Government needs to do something as England is the only country I know where patriotism is frowned upon and the only one that seems not to have a national identity.


    Also, I think Al Murray is one of a few celebs trying to make St Georges day a national holiday :)

  2. Hmm, torn on this. On one hand its good on ya Moyes, stick it to that bastard but on the other it's a lot of publicity for the book which no doubt will pump up the sales as its 'controversial'.


    It also shows how susceptible he is as no doubt he's been persuaded to do it by people who are hoping to make a mint of his book as well.

  3. I think he's awesome, he's fast, strong, solid tackling, powerful heading, he's got it all. Well maybe he aint got the best concentration which is a possible reason to some mistakes but I think with Lescott by the side of him Lescott will be able to keep joey in order.

  4. I don't like telling people my bets before the race as I think its bad luck.


    Now its over I had a 2 quid each way on the following...


    18/1 - Billyvoddan

    33/1 - Idle Talk

    33/1 - Slim Pickings


    So not a bad day as at least I got my money back :) which I have to go claim back later.

  5. Having seen Freddy Adu play a few times (not a lot of times...about 5 games) via channel five I've never seen what all the hype about him is.


    I believe that the hype around him is a way to get the game promoted throughout America (which is a good plan) as it raises the awareness of the game and with him signing a Nike deal (not sure on the figures but was led to believe its a lot), this has shown American youngsters there is money to be made in 'soccer'.


    This is just my own conspiracy, I could/ probably am completely wrong and at the next World Cup will end up being the best player by far with Barcelona snatching him up for 25 mil something stupid like that. :(

  6. What an idiot...the same goes for Boro then as they only got promoted to the premiership...err...was it 1999? Or '98? Anyway it was within the last 9 years so.


    Pfft how will it make the Premiership more exciting? he relegation battle makes it way more exciting than playing for nothing. They have to grind out results so will try hard in all games where as if there was consequence for losing then half way through the season the bottom half will be boring as they won't go out and try harder for a win than they would if relegation was breathing down their neck.


    Utter nonsense which is a worry when its coming from someone of his experience.

  7. Double Extra time basically...:)


    At the end of the match if the score is level they go in overtime (extratime) but with a golden goal type rule. In playoffs if its still level at the overtime it goes onto double overtime...then if its level it will go into triple overtime. Basically, it'll keep on going until somone scores.


    Somethin like that anyway, sure joe will correct me if anythin of that is wrong...

  8. I love Ice Hockey. My team has got to be the Flyers (although they're crap now :( and finished bottom of the Eastern Conference) Started playing roller hockey when I was young and Flyers was the first game I saw so just supported them, it was a while back when Eric Lindros who became my favourite player (followed closely by Recchi, both now have left the flyers) but I watched Lindors when he was on fire for the flyers rather than whats happened towards the end of his career with the flyers. Ever since have stayed up a few late night watching it. Haven't really watched it a lot this year although did watch a few of the early games. Also when I do go to America I'm most certainly going to watch them :)


    I've wanted to play Ice Hockey ever since then as well but theres not many places you can do that here :(

  9. What was your name again? Speak clearly into the cyber ear trumpet....I'm a little hard hard of hearing :lol: .


    Ain't it a bastard though, being off line, whatever did we do with our poor sad little lives before we were given a reason to exist by the world wide wobblies :rolleyes: .


    We had these conversations in pubs while being pissed as to even contemplate our slogan "agree to disagree" and instead had a slogan "Outside now! We'll settle it the manly way" :unsure:


    Well thats what I've been told :P

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