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Posts posted by rowlo-efc

  1. At this moment,while i've said in another post signing someone is desperate,we're in a desperate postion,


    A couple more injuries,suspensions then we're in the shitter big time,i get the feeling the plan at the start of the season was for young Vaughn was "going to do a rooney"come in score a few and thats why we didnt go for another striker,no of course his injury blew that "plan" out of the window big time.


    But it sums up DM and evertons transfer policy flawed at best.


    We need to fill the gaps - they dont have to be superstars - just reliable players that can do a decent job when things go a bit wrong (like they are now). Stubbs is a prime example - although he is cup tied (nice one!).


    A few more would be great - Frannie Jeffers anyone?! Just kiddin!

  2. YEah - forget the intertoto - its a waste of time and it ruins pre-season, especially if you lose. look at the skunks season so far! Its a confidence crusher and morale killer. (plus it stops the players from getting a well earned rest)

    oh yeah, and this year there is the small matter of a world cup to be played just before the intertoto cup starts! Cahill will be exhausted!!!

  3. The Bluehouse got closed down for two reasons

    1) started the trouble when united came to Goodison in the cup

    2) the nite of the red shite's 6 minute match (the champ league final) a red shite fan started shouting the odds outside the pub and got battered to death



    Well, why would you go and shout the odds, on your own, outside of a rivals pub? This guy must have been a bit of a moron to do something so stupid.

  4. Yeah - he needs to stop making excuses and sign a few players or start bringing in some of the U17's and playing them. Anichebe is supposedly being groomed for the 1st team strikers role next to beattie - but fook nows when we will see him.


    Christian Seargent is supposed to be superb in CM but again, fook nows when we will, if we ever, see him


    Boyle is supposed to be a very good LB - but will we ever see him....


















    the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on - you lot get the jist..


    we are not going to see anymore players this season i'm afraid - so DM should shut up and put up if he aint prepared to do anything about it...

  5. I've got a couple of good deals in the Jan sales from the on line shop, but did buy a R##NEY T-shirt a couple of season ago just before I wend on my hols at the end of August. Got binned, and probably some Spanish bloke walking round in it now

    I think that the club shops are superb (although they recently shut the B'head one - because the lease ran out and EFC didnt renew it!) - the range of merchandis is cool - but the one thing they dont have, but is on the main website is earphones with the Everton logo (see efc podcasts on evertonfc.com!)


    Would love a set of them to go with my ipod!

  6. Sit Upper Gwladys As close to the middle and the front as possible



    yeah you have to be in the middle of every stand, near the front (unless you are in the park end) to avoid a viewing restriction of some sort (and pray that you dont get a big fat fooker that is 7ft tall sitting infront of you!)


    Lower Gwladys is a big pile of poo....HAHAHAHA and is for scally's! HAHAHAHA :)




    Park End is the best, then the top balcony - its underestimated - the view is superb! and, as has been said, you can see the formations better and read the game much better than anywhere else in the ground.

  7. i almost bought some to tout out for thousands last year, decided against it as it's a mean thing to do!


    At the time you could have applied for up to 6 tickets for any groups and at a resonable price could have paid for tickets that would see you through up to 6 England games.


    Now i'm afraid they're probably all sold out and I think they havne't made them easily toutable so not even available on ebay (i may be wrong).


    Unless you get them on the black market (touts etc.etc.) you wont get them - you had to send a letter and your passport details off 18 months ago to FIfa in order to go into the 'ticket draw' hat - I did it - but didn't get anywhere - my two mates did though - they got 2 group stage tickets (australia/brazil group - gutted!) and a quarter final ticket....again gutted.


    If you weren't in the hat, you've got no chance...sorry

  8. AA and so on are to the rear of the stand, it starts from a -Z then AA,BB






  9. In response to the comments above...you can add the 3 UEFA cups, 3 European Super cups, 7 league cups and 6 FA cups that Liverpool have also won other than the 18 League titles and 5 European cups.



    Yeah - but so what? Half of the trophies have been nicked by your most loyal fans.


    Also - I wish that the internet was not virtual, becuase right now I would be presenting rinkydink with a big medal for his clubs achievements whilst he was nothing more than sperm in his unknown dad's dick!

  10. MALAGA, Oct 20 (SW) – Brazilian midfielder Anderson Silva has declared that his next playing experience will be in the English Premiership with Everton.


    The player is currently plying his trade on-loan with Malaga, in the hope of receiving a Spanish passport at the start of next year. Although hoping to join the Toffees in January, the Brazilian has admitted that injury problems at Malaga could force him to spend an extra six months in Spain.


    "My future is in England,” declared the midfielder.


    "I have a contract with Everton for five years because they gambled on me.


    "When I arrived at Malaga they had already signed Bovio for January and only the injury of Romero could lead me to staying until the end of season."


    How good is he? any ideas?


    Lets put it in another light - Malaga are fighting relegation...he has only played 9 times for them - he can't be that good!

  11. Does anyone know how many games he has to play to get a work permit because if he has only played 6 times this season it cant be looking good  :huh:


    Its not a about the amount of games (i think) - coz he is brazilian, he has the right to work in spain. If he stays there as a permanent resident for 4yrs (i think - it is in the UK anyway) and works full time for those years, then he is entitled to an EU passport and then a UK work permit is not required!!!


    Happy days - I hope that he is good!

  12. ha, i dont see it with Everton..come on someone who is on the payroll of Everton actually MAKING money :lol:


    No its the other way around with Everton - we paid the bung!


    I reckon that we paid Fiorentina's manager £1.5m to sign Kroldrup from us for £3.5m!


    Souness - i reckon that he is one, O'Leary another (from leeds days), Fergie is the other one.


    Souness - wanker when a RS player - a superb acquisition (as fozzie says) when an RS manager!


    And to top that, he was followed up by ROy Evans - who was equally as shite!


    quality :D

  13. Chelsea - where were you 'THE_BLUE' when CHelsea were shit?


    INfact - you lot didn't even fill your allocation when you came to Goodison this season - So your hardly loyal fans of the champions are you!


    You really do want to look after your own house before you criticise ours.


    What are you going to do when you russian billionaire gets bored? and takes his money, leaving you lot in debt...? after all, he has only 'underwritten' your debt - he hasn't actually spent a single penny on players out of his own pocket - the only money he has spent is the £1 to buy the club from the great Ken Bates.


    Remember the hoddle days - your fans didn't even bother travelling! Sad - big load of band wagons!


    And for the records - any chelsea fans out there




    Everton - in the 80's - how many trophies were won...?


    In 85 alone, we won the charity shield, European Cup winners cup, League trophy, player of the year, manager of the year..


    what did Chelsea win that year? Where Chelsea even in the top division then?


    I can answer both of those questions - I bet that 'The_Blue' can't

  14. a club like neverton got no major honour & yet you talk so much about others :lol:   :lol:



    Chelsea - where were you 'THE_BLUE' when CHelsea were shit?


    INfact - you lot didn't even fill your allocation when you came to Goodison this season - So your hardly loyal fans of the champions are you!


    You really do want to look after your own house before you criticise ours.


    What are you going to do when you russian billionaire gets bored? and takes his money, leaving you lot in debt...? after all, he has only 'underwritten' your debt - he hasn't actually spent a single penny on players out of his own pocket - the only money he has spent is the £1 to buy the club from the great Ken Bates.


    Remember the hoddle days - your fans didn't even bother travelling! Sad - big load of band wagons!

  15. Well said Reg, there aint much he can come back with after that..........


    Apart from bitter blues, 5 times & 18 LEAGUE tiltles but he would have said all that whaterver we replyed, predictable to say the least!



    Yeah - its all in the past - and apart from the CL last year (yes - LAST year), I doubt that any of the RS fans where even sperm in their dads sack the last time the RS won the league.


    so its irrelevant really.

  16. Hey if thats the case hopefully we got a % of next sale in the deal and hopefully Udinesse didnt!


    Kroldrup was a good CB at Udinese - but the serie A game does not really play the long ball and head tennis rarely happens over there - kroldrup struggled with that against Villa and Millwall. His basic CB type game was very good though - hardly belted up the field but instead looked for a pass to feet.


    tackling was also good - not commiting to a big lunge or anything as equally bad/shit.


    I thought that, given the opportunity, he could have been good - but he was obviously unsettled in England and wanted to return to Italy. (I mean his missus can speak italian but not english) and going on the state of Reg's brain, its enough to put anyone off bringing kids up in Merseyside :D

  17. at the end of the day, if we were the worst champions ever, we would have scraped through against teams that werent as good as the likes of juve, chelsea, milan and so on. we didnt have it easy in last years competition, but we caused a big upset by winning it, and that in itself proves that we were worthy winners, and there hve been clubs much worse winning it. Okay i get your millwall point, but i never said winning the champions league made us the best team, and it is really the premiership that matters, but to call us the worst champions ever isnt really a fair or accurate summary.

    You did scrape through against the likes of Chelsea - and you only one it because Milan fell asleep for 10 mins!

  18. Espec the Threads that end up a Mass debate..... ;)

    Especially when no RS fans have been involved with crappy comments like - 'yeah but, no but...we won it 5 times!'


    Who gives a shite?!


    Great site this though - great to speak to Evertonians from all over the world - with differing opinions etc.etc. proves we are the people's club and the fact that we have a forum 'for the thinking evertonian' tells its own story about the calibre of fan associated with the mighty blues!

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